I have problem with upload the sketch of pc to arduino through usb with module
Boy, you sure spent a lot of time explaining your problem
What Arduino are you using?
How is the HC06 connected to the Arduino?
... and any other information that may help us to help you.
Jajaj Sorry,
I have a Arduino Uno
My problem
I can not load sketch from Pc to arduino through module bluetooth HC-06 without the help of a cable.
My arduino this in de box isolated, That's why my question.
Thank you very much
I can not load sketch from Pc to arduino through module bluetooth HC-06 without the help of a cable.
My arduino this in de box isolated, That's why my question.
Interesting. That is the exact opposite of what I thought the problem was.
And, sorry, I don't have an answer. I think this has been discussed in other Threads on the Forum not too long ago. Try Googling upload Arduino Bluetooth site:arduino.cc or other related keywords. the HC05 may be more common than the HC06