Serial Communication between Nano and MKR type board

Hi, I would like to do hardware serial communication between the Nano 33 BLE and OpenRB-150 which is very similar to an MKR board. I'll show what I have - but it's not working:
Here's the connected pins from the nano to the OpenRB-150:

  • TX1 -> 13 Rx
  • RX0 -> 14 Tx
  • VIN -> 5v
  • GND -> GND

    I am trying to power the nano from the openRB-150, which works and I can run codes on the boards separately while the openRB-150 powers the nano. I want to use Serial2 for something else on the OpenRB-150 and want to use pins 13/14 to talk with the nano.

Here's the code on the nano:


void setup() {
  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);      // set LED pin as output
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // switch off LED pin

  Serial.begin(9600);              // initialize serial communication at 9600 bits per second:
  Serial1.begin(9600);            // initialize UART with the first board with baud rate of 9600

  Serial.println("Enter a number between 0-9 to turn on or off the LED on different boards");

void loop() {
  // check if there is any incoming byte to read from the Serial Monitor
  if (Serial.available() > 0){
    int inByte =;

    switch (inByte){
      // Send to receiver 1
      case '1':
      Serial.print("Board 1: LED ON");

      case '2':
      Serial.print("Board 1: LED OFF");

      Serial.println(" ");

Here's the code on the OpenRB-150:


void setup() {
  pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT);      // set LED pin as output
  digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);    // switch off LED pin

  Serial1.begin(9600);            // initialize UART with baud rate of 9600
void loop() {
  while (Serial1.available() >= 0) {
    char receivedData =;   // read one byte from serial buffer and save to receivedData
    if (receivedData == '1') {
      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, HIGH); // switch LED On
    else if (receivedData == '2') {
      digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN, LOW);  // switch LED Off

You may have the Tx and Rx backwards on the Nano 33 BLE. See this pin out

Are you saying TX1 should go to 14 Tx or that I might have accidentally done that? Here's some more pictures of my wiring. I put the wires next to the pin reference on the OpenRB-150 to get them in the same picture:

Nano 33 BLE


Thanks for the clarification. Your wiring looks correct with Tx>Rx and Rx>Tx.

Are you using the OpenRB-150 core and OpenRB board manager package with your board?

If so, take a look at the variant file

Unlike the Mkr1000, It would indicate that Serial1 is on 26 and 27 and Serial3 is on 13 and 14.

// Serial1
extern Uart Serial1;
// #define PIN_SERIAL3_RX (13ul)
// #define PIN_SERIAL3_TX (14ul)
// #define PAD_SERIAL3_TX (UART_TX_PAD_2)
#define PIN_SERIAL1_TX (26ul)
#define PIN_SERIAL1_RX (27ul)

// Serial2 4pin uart
extern Uart Serial2;
#define PIN_SERIAL2_TX (28ul)
#define PIN_SERIAL2_RX (29ul)

// Serial3 exp uart
extern Uart Serial3;
#define PIN_SERIAL3_TX (14ul)
#define PIN_SERIAL3_RX (13ul)
#endif // __cplusplus

If you are running this with the Mkr1000 core, then I would think that the 13 and 14 are correct for Serial1 and I don't understand the lack of communication.

EDIT: Are you using the OpenRB 150 as a shield on a Mkr 1010 like in this previous posting?

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You're an amazing wonderful fantastical person. That totally worked (Modifying the code for Serial3 on OpenRB-150). Didn't know Serial3 existed. Thank you!

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