Serial monitor port

Arduino 2.0.2 question - Is there a way to set the serial port monitor to a port that is different from the programming port? Let's say im connect to one port using serial usb to program and also and want to monitor Serial1 port which is on another port on my computer.

Open a second instance of the IDE and set its serial port to the one that you want to monitor or use a terminal emulator such as PuTTY or Coolterm

Note that this requires Serial1 to be connected to the PC which your question implies that you have done

Hi @fluxanode1. There is no way to select two ports in a single Arduino IDE window. However, you can open a separate Arduino IDE window by selecting File > New Sketch from the Arduino IDE menus and then select a different port in that window.

There is a feature request for the capability to select separate ports in the same Arduino IDE window here:

ok thanks

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