Serial output for test code using Aunit

I am trying to run a test code using the Aunit library in Arduino ide. I am not able to get the serial output. I tried different baud rates but it still won't work. Could anyone provide me with ideas to get serial output? Any help is appreciated.

#include <Arduino.h>
#include <AUnit.h>
using aunit::TestRunner;

// Include the header file with the turnEverythingOff function
#include "sketch_oct3a.h"

test(turnEverythingOffShouldTurnPinsToLow) {

    int p_irrPump = 1;
    int p_vacPump = 1;
    int p_airPump = 1;
    int p_vacValve = 1;
    int p_airValve = 1;


    // Assert: Check that the digitalWrite calls set the pins to LOW
    assertEqual(1, p_irrPump-digitalRead(irrPump));
    assertEqual(1, p_vacPump-digitalRead(vacPump));
    assertEqual(1, p_airPump-digitalRead(airPump));
    assertEqual(1, p_vacValve-digitalRead(vacValve));
    assertEqual(1, p_airValve-digitalRead(airValve));

test(tubeblockerrorTest) {
  assertEqual(1, digitalRead(redLED));
  assertEqual(0, digitalRead(greenLED));
  assertEqual(1, digitalRead(blueLED));

test(valveCycleTest) {


    if(b==30 || b==60 || b==86){
      int checkLeveltest = digitalRead(canisterLS);
      if(checkLeveltest == HIGH){
      assertEqual(0, digitalRead(irrPump));
      assertEqual(0, digitalRead(vacPump));
      assertEqual(0, digitalRead(airPump));
      assertEqual(0, digitalRead(vacValve));
      assertEqual(0, digitalRead(airValve));

    if(b==0 || b==11 || b==29 || b==59 || b==85){
    assertEqual(1, digitalRead(airPump));
    assertEqual(0, digitalRead(vacValve));
    else if (b==17|| b==35|| b==52||b==69||b==84){     //86 to 84
        assertEqual(0, digitalRead(vacValve));
      assertEqual(0, digitalRead(irrPump));
      assertEqual(0, digitalRead(vacPump));
      assertEqual(0, digitalRead(airPump));
      assertEqual(0, digitalRead(vacValve));
      assertEqual(0, digitalRead(airValve));
test(haltCheckCycleTest) {
  haltExecution = true;
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(irrPump));
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(vacPump));
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(airPump));
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(vacValve));
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(airValve));
  //greenled on
  assertEqual(1, digitalRead(greenLED));

test(tubeCleanCycleTest) {
  //vaccum pumo low
  assertEqual(0, digitalRead(vacPump));
  assertEqual(1, digitalRead(greenLED));
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(irrPump));
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(vacPump));
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(airPump));
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(vacValve));
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(airValve));
   //greenled on


 test(waterhaltCheckCycleTest) {
   int x = digitalRead(buttonUI);
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(irrPump));
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(vacPump));
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(airPump));
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(vacValve));
   assertEqual(0, digitalRead(airValve));

   //green led
   assertEqual(1, digitalRead(greenLED));

test(irrigationCycleTest) {
  int pumpTime = 5; // Set the desired pumpTime for testing
  assertEqual(digitalRead(irrPump), HIGH);
   // Call your function
  // Assuming you are setting the irrigation pump pin to HIGH
 // assertEqual(digitalRead(irrPump), HIGH);



// setup() and loop()

void setup() {

 WatchDog::init(blinkISR, 500);
 attachInterrupt(digitalPinToInterrupt(buttonUI), buttonPressed1, CHANGE);
 //----define pin modes - OUTPUT
 pinMode(irrPump, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(vacPump, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(airPump, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(vacValve, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(airValve, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(redLED, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(blueLED, OUTPUT);
 pinMode(greenLED, OUTPUT);
 //---------Define pin modes - INPUT------------------------------------------------------//
 pinMode(buttonUI, INPUT);
 pinMode(canisterLS, INPUT);
 pinMode(waterLS, INPUT);
 pinMode(pressureSensor, INPUT);
 //---------Default Variable LOW Condition-----------------------------------------------//
 digitalWrite(waterLS, LOW);
 digitalWrite(greenLED, LOW);
 digitalWrite(redLED, LOW);
 digitalWrite(blueLED, LOW);
 //---------setup for ISR-for haltcheck_cycle-------------------------------------------//
 TCCR1A = 0;
 TCCR1B = 0;
 TCNT1  = 0;
 OCR1A = 15624;
 TCCR1B |= (1 << WGM12);
 TCCR1B |= (1 << CS12) | (1 << CS10);
 TIMSK1 |= (1 << OCIE1A);

  delay(1000); // wait for stability on some boards to prevent garbage Serial

  Serial.begin(115200); // ESP8266 default of 74880 not supported on Linux
  while (! Serial);

  Serial.println("This test should produce the following:");
    "7s passed 0 skipped, 0 timed out, out of 7 test(s)."


void loop() {

what are you expecting?

do you get the basic Serial.printlns ?

If you do a basic "Hello, World" sketch - can you see the output from that?

What Arduino are you using?

Thank you for the reply. If I run the basic example from Aunit like this -
I get the output.
I am expecting below at least. I am using Arduino Uno as a programmer.

Serial.println("This test should produce the following:");
    "7s passed 0 skipped, 0 timed out, out of 7 test(s)."

So, again, do you get the basic Serial.println s with your sketch?

not with my sketch but the basic example one mentioned in the github link.

And that's on the same board, same PC, etc?


No idea, then - but must be something wrong in your sketch.

I'd never even heard of Aunit - so know nothing about it/them.

Do they have a dedicated support forum?

It seems like they don't have a support forum.
But the github repo is this - GitHub - bxparks/AUnit: Unit testing framework for Arduino platforms inspired by ArduinoUnit and Google Test. Used with EpoxyDuino for continuous builds..
I am trying to write test code for Arduino Sketch. Do you recommend any other testing framework?

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