Serial2 not receiving bytes on wt32-eth01

I have two wt32-eth01 V1.2 boards and they are acting the same. Here are my issues:

I can xmit out of Serial2 fine but I cannot receive serial2 packets.
I have an o'scope on Serial2 RXD pin and I see the waveform and I also see the Serial2 LED light up indicating that my packet is at that RXD pin.
I selected a very simple example to Serial2.available() and print to the Serial monitor but I never get any bytes.
I tried different baud rates for the Serial.print statements but I never get data from RXD.

What am I doing wrong?

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I thought I had it fixed. I used a loopback wire on the serial2 and I finally received some bytes. I went on a walk and came back and now I cannot get it to work. I still see both Rx and Tx LEDs blinking but my simple code is not receiving any loopback bytes.

I am using an external power supply.

Do I need a resistor somewhere? My o'scope shows that the Rx signal goes from 3.3V all the way to 0V. It appears there is a strong signal.

I installed Arduino 2.0 on my Windows 11 laptop. I still cannot see that Serial2.available() > 0.

The wt32-eth01 RXD LED and my o'scope show that there is a signal there.

Is there a work-around for seeing the serial data at the Rx pin. I configured the Rx pin for a digital read and it works properly.

I found some schematics for the wt32-eth01. It appears that the designer named IO35_RXD2 coming off of the ESP32_WT32-S1 chip. I'm not sure why. The document named IO35 as an input only. I tried connecting my lookback from TXD (IO17) to this IO35 input pin but I still do not get any bytes at the serial input.

I finally got the RXD to work. I used the newer Arduino 2.0 and set the HW flow control OFF and it started reading the packets.


I have same issue, how to set HF flow control OFF?
Thank you

I use Arduino 2 IDE. I type “Serial2.” And it gives me several method options. I’m not near my computer so I can’t give you he exact method. You can also look in the header file.

I use arduino 2.0, and here is my code :

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    char a = (char);

but still can't receive any data in serial2.

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Got it, thank you for your advise. I have revised it

I have tried this code too:

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    char a = (char);


But still remain the same..

Finally I solved the problem. The RX pin is GPIO5, not GPIO35.
At the beginning I refer to this pin out detail :

It tells me that RX pin is GPIO35, but I check again in the the datasheet from official distributor ( wirelestag) the RX pin is GPIO5. After I change, it works.
Here is my works code :

#include <HardwareSerial.h>

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  Serial2.setPins(5, 17);
  Serial2.begin(921600, SERIAL_8N1, 5,17);


void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
    char a = (char);


Thank you everyone

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