Servo Error

This is the debug error message.

19: Error: Servo.h
No such file or directory in function 'void setup()'s in function 'void loop ()'s. ::slight_smile:

Can any one help.


Are you sure you have servo.h in the directory ...hardware/libraries/servo

How do I check if it`s they. And if its not they how would I get the servo.h library it.

Find the directory where the arduino code is installed, then look for: hardware/libraries/servo
You should find servo.h in the servo directory.

what operating system are you using?

I am using windows vista.

I have followed the links to hardware/libraries, I don`t find any servo folder but they is a stepper folder.

The servo code I used is from the Arduino learning link on the website, which I believe it`s a servo.

What version of the Arduino download are you using?

The tutorial page assumes you have the latest version of the Arduino libraries – currently this is version 0012. If you don't you have a servo directory you are probably using an earlier version. If so, try installing version 0012.

I just download the oo12.

This is the error messages I recieve.

avrdude: stk500_getsync(): not in sync resp = 030
avrdude: stk500_disable(): protocol error expect= 0
14, resp= 0*51.

Make sure you have the correct serial port selected in the IDE tools menu.
If that doesn't fix it, see this page for more troubleshooting tips

Thanks. I think it was wrong com port.