Servo issues with ESP32servo

Good morning all,

I have been fiddling about trying to use this library for servo control functions. I how ever can't get any servo's to move. I have read as much as I can find online about the library, I'm still not sure how to setup the program to operate even a single servo. I have used Servo.h in the past successfully, I now am trying to get a handle on ESP32servo. Some assistance please with organizing a servo to sweep, or rotate and stop.

#include <ESP32Servo.h>
//#include "BluetoothSerial.h"
//#include <Esp32WifiManager.h> //

#define pitch 5
#define yaw 8
#define roll 10
#define Angle_4 11
#define Left_Aileron 12
#define Right_Aileron 13
#define Rudder 14
#define Elevator 15
#define Trim_Left 16
#define Trim_Right 17
#define SpeedController 18

void setup() {
  //  BluetoothSerial SerialBT;
  //  SerialBT.begin("ESP32test"); //Bluetooth device name
  //  Serial.println("The device started, now you can pair it with bluetooth!");

  Servo Left_Servo_Aileron;
  Servo Right_Servo_Aileron;
  Servo Trim_L;
  Servo Trim_R;
  Servo Elevator_Pos;
  Servo Rudder_Pos;
  Servo MotorSpeedController;

//  Servo::setTimerWidth(16);
  Left_Servo_Aileron.Servo::writeMicroseconds (2000);
 //;                // Gets the last written servo pulse width as an angle between 0 and 180.
  Left_Servo_Aileron.readTimerWidth();      // Gets the PWM timer width (ESP32 ONLY)

// We are using "Left_Aileron" pin 12
void loop() {
  //  Left_Servo_Aileron.write(1450);//
//  Left_Servo_Aileron.setTimerWidth(15);
//  Left_Servo_Aileron.writeMicroseconds (1450);

  //   for (int pos = 0; pos <= 180; pos += 1) {

  //    delay(14);                       // waits 15 ms for the servo to reach the position
  // Time = micros();
  // Time = millis();

  //  if (Time <= 20) {
  //  Serial.println(is_attached[0]);
  //  }
  //  else {
  //    Serial.println("Done");
  //  }

How are the servos powered? Post a schematic and photos of your wiring.

Hi groundFungus,

I have already ruled out the wiring. It would appear the servo is faulty. Time to buy some new a ones.

Edit: I have opened the faulty servos and found that the potentiometers post has been cut off and glued into its housing.

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