Servo not reacting accordingly

Hello everyone,
I am currently working on a code for a robot dog using Arduino Mega and a Servo shield. The code is for one leg whose upper and lower legs are both controlled by one servo . When I load the code, the servos just set their position to 160° (see code below) and stay there. Why does the code and/ or the leg not run the different X values (from 0 to 60) so that the angles (A and B) can be calculated?
P.S.: The movement that needs to be performed is a semicircle.

Thanks in advance :slight_smile:

#include <Wire.h>
#include <Adafruit_PWMServoDriver.h>
Adafruit_PWMServoDriver pwm = Adafruit_PWMServoDriver();
#define Frequenz 50
#define Umax 2000
#define Umin 500
#define PI 3.1415926535897932384626433832795

String Servochannel;
int X;
void setup() {

  pwm.setPWMFreq(Frequenz);  // Analog servos run at ~50 Hz updates

  X = 0;

void setServo(int servo, int winkel) {
  int duty, pulsweite;
  duty = map(winkel, 0, 180, Umin, Umax);
  pulsweite = int(float(duty) / 1000000 * Frequenz * 4096);
  pwm.setPWM(servo, 0, pulsweite);

void loop() {

  setServo(0,  160 );
  setServo(1,  160 );

void IK() {

  int a = 204.0, b = 176.0; // a= upper leg lenght, b= lower leg lenght)
  float A, B;
  float Theta;
  int h, d;
  float Y;
  h = 290;
    for (X = 0; X <= 60; X += 1) {

      Y = sqrt(900 + pow((X - 30), 2));
      Theta = (50 + (atan(X / h) * 180) / PI);
      d = abs(((h - Y) / (cos(Theta) * PI / 180)));

      A = (acos((pow(a, 2) + pow(d, 2) - pow(b, 2)) / (2 * a * d)) * 180) / PI;
      B = (acos((pow(a, 2) + pow(b, 2) - pow(d, 2)) / (2 * a * b)) * 180) / PI;

      setServo(0, A);
      setServo(1, B);


[Sketch_robodog.pdf.pdf|attachment](upload://8XdqDzaswRqfmj3puI31AFfscfG.pdf) (40.3 KB)

Welcome to the forum

Please post your full sketch

That's an unusual concept of an "int"

thats right, i changed it from float to int. Will change it immediately to 240!
Thanks for the remark. :slight_smile:

done, see above

I can't follow your calculations but the first thing to do is surely to put some Serial prints in to see what actual values of A and B you're getting.


Ive tried the Serial prints, but it always printed ,,Nan" which is why i took it out.

What exactly did you try to print ?

the angles A and B

I mean their values

Added a sketch. hope it helps for a better understanding :slight_smile:

Break the calculation down into separate steps and print the intermediate results

You mean like this:

      A = (acos((pow(a, 2) + pow(d, 2) - pow(b, 2)) / (2 * a * d)) * 180) / PI;
      B = (acos((pow(a, 2) + pow(b, 2) - pow(d, 2)) / (2 * a * b)) * 180) / PI;


No. I meant print each step of the calculations to see whether they are reasonable and what you expect them result of that step to be

When I run the sketch, A and B are always 0.

Y goes from 42 down to 30.02 and back up to 42.
Theta is always 50.00
d goes from 14699 to 15437 and back down to 14699

Do those values make sense?

This is exactly how it should not be, because A and B should have different values depending on Theta and X, respectively.

The values are not making sense at all. Because for X = 0 -> Y = 42.42 and Theta = 58,32 (calculator)
I dont really see the error in the trigonometric formula and i really dont understand why it prints 0 when there are values.

How did you manage to get 0 printed for A and B, because all i get is nan?

I printed 'winkel' in setServo().

'nan' means "Not A Number" and it's the value you get when your calculation fails, like dividing by zero or taking the square root of a negative number.

I broke down your calculation step by step, as recommended earlier, and found that you are trying to take the arc-cosine of the values -6727.00 and -34436.86. Neither of those is a value between -1 and +1 so the results are both NAN.

void IK()
  int a = 204.0, b = 176.0; // a= upper leg lenght, b= lower leg lenght)
  float A, B;
  float Theta;
  int h, d;
  float Y;
  h = 290;
  for (X = 0; X <= 60; X += 1)
    Y = sqrt(900 + pow((X - 30), 2));
    Theta = (50 + (atan(X / h) * 180) / PI);
    d = abs(((h - Y) / (cos(Theta) * PI / 180)));

    Serial.print(", Theta=");
    Serial.print(", d=");

    float asq = pow(a, 2);
    float bsq = pow(b, 2);
    float dsq = pow(d, 2);

    Serial.print(", bsq=");
    Serial.print(", dsq=");

    float fa = (asq + dsq - bsq);
    float fb = (asq + bsq - dsq);

    Serial.print(", fb=");

    float f2a = fa / (2 * a * d);
    float f2b = fb / (2 * a * b);

    Serial.print(", f2b=");

    float acosA = acos(f2a);
    float acosB = acos(f2b);

    Serial.print(", acosB=");

    A = (acosA * 180) / PI;
    B = (acosB * 180) / PI;

    setServo(0, A);
    setServo(1, B);


Results for the first iteration:

0, 160, 375
1, 160, 375
Y=42.43, Theta=50.00, d=14699
asq=41616.00, bsq=30976.00, dsq=216060608.00
fa=216071248.00, fb=-215988016.00
f2a=-6727.00, f2b=-34436.86
acosA=nan, acosB=nan
0, 0, 102
1, 0, 102

The "atan(X / h)" is a problem because 'X' and 'h' are both integers. h = 290 and X is from 0 to 60 so the result is always 0.

Hi @johnwasser , Thank you very much for your help.
I tried to deal the problem of atan(X/h) by defining Theta as a float.
I dont see any way to replace atan because there is no replacement for it.

Isn't there an 'atan2()' that takes the opposite and adjacent sides instead of the ratio?

hi @johnwasser, thanks again for the help.

I tried out the new the code, Theta is now printing different values.
But acosA and acosB are both printing nan. Do they need to be replaced as well?