I am building a quadcopter and an Arduino Zero is supposed to control the brushless motors via ESCs.
I flashed BLHeli Rev. 14.4 on my AfroESCs(if this information is important ) and got the Arduino Zero to arm and spin the motors at various speeds. I am using pins 3-7 on the Arduino, which should be capable of doing hardware PWM.
Now to my question: While using Servo.writeMicroseconds(something between 1000 and 2000), i noticed that after about 10 seconds with no new value, the motor stops spinning and the ESCs disarm. So my question is: Doesn't writeMicroseconds() continuously write its given value to the output pin? Do i manually have to update it with the same value? Or am I doing something wrong here. If this might be the case, I would be happy tio present my code.
Thank you in advance and have a nice day,