Setting baudrate for an ESP2866 requires using AT commands in command mode to change it to match the Arduino code. Is it a similar process for the Arduino WiFi R4?
For the R4 wifi, the ESP32 board is integrated with the Arduino so I don't know to what extent parameters are written automatically.
This Arduino Cloud notes that the ESP32's data lines are exposed for flashing firmware. Is changing baud rate considered "flashing firmware"?
I'd prefer not to mess with the ESP if I can avoid it.
If you're using a typical Arduino board connected to a wifi board such as ESP2866 board, both boards have different voltages and baudrates. The ESP2866's default data rate is 9600, the Arduino is whatever you set it to. To configure the ESP2866's baudrate, you have to enter a command mode by wiring it up a certain way.
If you don't, there is a risk that the conflicting baudrates will skew or compromise the data.
It is a comparison between a standard procedure to get wifi on a normal Arduino board (by adding an ESP8266) vs. using wifi on an Arduino wifi R4.
On a normal Arduino board sensors are connected to it. Serial data from the Arduino board microcontroller is then communicated through the ESP8266 to web server/PC/Android, etc.
I can't imagine any data that would require a specific serial baudrate, so that neither a lower nor a higher speed would be suitable.
Could you please to share a more details about the project?