Siddharth Mehta: How to change IP Address?

Hello Everyone, I am Siddharth Mehta from Hudson Bay Capital, I wanted to change the IP Address please help!

Hi @siddharthkmehta ,
welcome, but to make you even more welcome,
read : " How to get the best out of this forum "
and be clearer when exposing your difficulty.

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Welcome! Sorry you have not provided enough information to resolve your problem. My eyes are not that good and I do not know where to look to see what you are doing. Changing the IP can range from being very easy to impossible depending on the hardware, experience and available resources. If you want help after you have read the forum guidelines also post make and model of what you want to change the IP address and also if it is DHCP or fixed IP. this should get you started.

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Okay I will read the guidelines, thank you.

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