SIM808 init error

I'm having a hard time fixing my SIM808 it's not working, I've been trying to fix this and make it send the google map link through SMS, however after trying to run it, it's only saying "SIM808 init error" through serial monitor.

here's the code if needed, I'm looking forward to your response!!

can you send AT commands and get a response? see post problem-with-sim808-locating-arduino


This is what I receive at 115200 baud when I try it at 9600 it only shows this, both 9600 and 115200 wont send any AT command


what Arduino are you using?

it looks like the SIM808 baudrate may be incorrect
try 19600, 38400, 56700, 115200


leave Serial at 115200

result for 19200:

result for 38400:

result for 57600:

result for 115200:

I tried sending AT at the serial monitor for all of the different baudrate but theres no any reaction

what Arduino are you using

arduino uno

Most of the time people make mistake in choosing the right power supply for the Arduino. What power supply are you using?

Im not using any power supply at arduino, my arduino is powered only through the usb input connected at the laptop

bit-bash serial software on the UNO such as SoftwareSerial and AltSoftSerial typically have problems working at baudrates higher than 38400baud
do you have any idea what the default baudrate of the SIM 808 is? or can it autobaud?
looking at SIM808_V2.2.5_user_manual_V1.0.pdf 9600 appears to be default

what pins are you using on the UNO to connect too the SIM808?
can you give a diagram showing the connections?

the UNO can give sufficient power to run basic AT commands but when the device communicates (can take 2amps) you will require an external power supply

Use a separate power supply for the module. If you just power it with the VCC pin of the arduino, it's not going to work.

It seems that SIM808 can auto baud rate ranging from 1200 to 115200,

Here the SIM808 is powered by a 12V 1.5A

Yeah it uses separate power supply, it uses 12V 1.5A adapter to be specific

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