SIM900 ftp upload


I want to upload a file from a SD card to a FTP server with a Seeedstudio GPRS Shield V2.0 (SIM900 chip).
But we always get error "+FTPPUT:1,66"

Here is my code:

sendATcommand("AT+FTPMODE=1", "OK", 2000);
  sendATcommand("AT+FTPSERV=\"\"", "OK", 2000);
  sendATcommand("AT+FTPUN=\"username\"", "OK", 2000);
  sendATcommand("AT+FTPPW=\"PASSWORD\"", "OK", 2000);
  sendATcommand("AT+FTPPUTNAME=\"testftp.log\"", "OK", 2000);
  sendATcommand("AT+FTPPUTPATH=\"/\"", "OK", 2000);
  if (sendATcommand("AT+FTPPUT=1", "+FTPPUT:1,1,", 30000) == 1){ //gives error+FTPPUT:1,66

Can somebody tell me what this error code means and what can I do about it?

Thank you,

I presume that you have this document:

A peek at page 213 shows that 66 is the error code. Page 212 shows the meaning of error 66.