Hello, I am doing a sketch but in my Macbook it compile and load fine in arduino, but in windows it gaves me an error of JAVA.
How I can solve that???
Java is updateb both SO.
Hello, I am doing a sketch but in my Macbook it compile and load fine in arduino, but in windows it gaves me an error of JAVA.
How I can solve that???
Java is updateb both SO.
I dont know why you say that.
I have a PC and a MACbook.
Others sketchs works fine in two computers, but, my personal sktch just run in mac osx.
but in windows it gaves me an error of JAVA.
But, I'm not going to tell you what the error is, nor am I going to post the code so you can try it. I need help soon though.
I'm rubbing my crystal ball to help you Paul. Is it helping?
I'm rubbing my crystal ball to help you Paul. Is it helping?
I don't think you're using the right brand of polishing rag. I'm not seeing anything yet.
Thanks for help me!
your answer Pauls are helpfull for me!!
But I get this error.
PD: I am out of my home and I can not try sketch in a windows PC
That's an error within the IDE itself, which suggests that it has failed to handle your code correctly. Most likely there's something unusual about your code which the IDE designers didn't anticipate. If you post your sketch, perhaps somebody will be able to tell you what that is.
This problem says there is a regular expression pattern mismatch, so without looking at your code, you need to check unusual sequences involving “double-quotes”, “single-quotes”, \backslashes, comments, escape sequences or braces.
This is my code
Archivo comprimido.zip (73.6 KB)
I don't quite understand what you have posted. The ZIP file you attached has twenty or so '.ino' files. Conventionally a sketch has a single .ino file, optionally with additional .cpp and .h files. Which one of those files is supposed to be your sketch?
Which one of those files is supposed to be your sketch?
All of them. The IDE combines all the .ino files into one .cpp file for compilation.
If you run Ferduino_Anakin.ino you will see all the code.
No, i am only seeing a block of initializations, comments & definitions.
I don't see the setup() function nor the loop() function, what i see, is, this is only a small part of the whole sketch.
The ide is checking the initialisations for errors to the point, it realises @eof, there are no functions, oops!
There is no spoon, lol.
The code is separated by tabs. you can choose the tab you want clicking in the right and you will see all.
The code works fine in MAC OSX but in windows not.
The problem with trying to reproduce your issue is that the IDE combines all the .ino files into one .cpp file before it begins parsing that file. It is the parser that crashes, so even turning verbose mode on is useless.
You will have to create a new sketch folder, and drag a minimum set of .ino files into that folder, and try to compile. Don't worry about the errors. You are looking to determine which .ino file causes the parser to crash. Once you know which one causes the problem, we can help you determine why.
The parser can't handle the main Ferduino_Anakin.ino file.
Looking at the swathes of commented-out code I'm not at all surprised - that's a pretty good stress test for a parser, and we already know that the Arduino IDE is pretty fallible.
I hacked out all the big sections of commented-out code, which seemed to make up the best part of half the file, and the sketch now gets past the parser and on to failing compilation.
The approach you seem to use widely, of commenting out large chunks of code using a variety of block and line comments, is not one I'd recommend.