Hi All,
I have been designing some small arduino boards for my own use, because I find it so painful to order and solder many components every time I want to have an arduino capable board.
Here is an example of the Arduino compatible board I have designed:
It is very small and fits my needs, although a little tricky to solder by hands (but if you do QFN, you can do this as well)
I've setup a web site to see if this was interesting for anyone else, but so far it doesn't seem.
So I would like to get your honest feedback. Do you think this is of any interest for anyone?
Or am I just an oddball?
By the way, if you answer my very short survey, I'll send you a coupon for a free board (I have few of them sitting there doing nothing)
See here:https://www.kamijin.com/survey
Thanks guys (and girls)