hi there im trying to convert my 0-5v pwm output of the arduino to a smooth 0-10v for a high frequency flourescent i come across this just wanted to make sure that this would work or if people have got better suggestions?
That circuit looks like a good and proper way to accomplish the task.
thanks XD
on that he is using a LM324 i dont need 4 lost of it, just 2 so will this be fine?
Yeah, I do it's probably what was used originally, the 358 is a Very common Op-Amp. Made by almost everyone in the semiconductor business and there are several dozen others with the same pin-out with varying characteristics. Since the device is driving a transistor it is a current feedback loop. It is easy to misuse and if misused not perform with anything like expected. there is a hard limit of about 200 mA on that transistor and a power type will not perform either as with most op-amps the output drive current is limited so controlling a bigger transistor has it's issues. Good Luck.
The only problem with that circuit might be stability - adding a 47pF capacitor between the opamp output and its inverting (-) input would cure that.
The issue is that the opamp feedback path has to go through a potentially slow component (transistor) and drive a capacitive load (C3) - this might introduce enough phase-lag to induce oscillations. The small capacitor would provide a high-frequency lagless feedback path to quell such a tendancy without affecting low frequency behaviour.
i am doing the same project, i want to control a dimmable ballast,
is this circuit working? could you share the schematic please?
Are you planning to use an RC LP filter between the arduino and the op amp non-inverting amplifier
circuit ?
i have already an Lm 358n and an Lm 741, i am thinking of using two 10k res as Rf and Rin connected to the invrerting input and a 22k res and 0,47u cap at the non-inverting input.
But reading older posts they say that using a simple npn transistor can do the same job.
any other idea or suggestion?