Soil Temperature Sensor

Hi guys!! So is this temperature sensor good for probing soil temperature??..

P. S. I have the picture attached below...

Looks like a DS18B20 waterproof one wire temperature sensor. Should work as a soil temperature sensor.

A lot depends on the temperature of your soil. The DS18B20 has a 125 C limit.


I have used those sensors and the eBay cheap ones are not good long term in wet conditions ( despite what it says). I used one in a pool and it failed within hours. ( they are a ds18b20 glued in with silicon sealant , topped off with heat shrink sleeving)
I’d suggest getting a length of copper water pipe , blank the end and sink into the ground . Drop the sensor to the bottom of the buried tube and seal off the end where the cable emerges, or make an upside down “u” at the end to stop water getting in.

( or buy a thermowell).

They are great transducers , but you might want to check calibration around the range of temperatures you are interested in, if great accuracy is wanted .