[SOLVED] Connecting a ADXL345 (SKU:SEN0032) 3.3V with the Uno (I2C question)

I'd like to try this accelerometer Triple_Axis_Accelerometer_Breakout_-_ADXL345__SKU_SEN0032_-DFRobot

It needs a 2.0-3.6VDC Supply Voltage . OK, I'll use the 3.3V pin of the Uno to power it, but what would you do for the SDA/SCL pins ?
In the link above, they have them connected without any step-down !
In the datasheet, the absolute maximum ratings are :

VS ?0.3 V to +3.6 V
VDD I/O ?0.3 V to +3.6 V
Digital Pins ?0.3 V to VDD I/O+ 0.3 V or 3.6 V, whichever is less
All Other Pins ?0.3 V to +3.6 V
Output Short-Circuit Duration (Any Pin to Ground) Indefinite
Temperature Range
Powered ?40°C to +105°C
Storage ?40°C to +105°

Then, what would you advise me to do ? Step down with a 2 resistor voltage divider on SDA and SCL was the 1rst thing I planned to do, but....
what about the pull-up resistors ? Do I connect them to the 3.3V of the arduino ?
And if so, what do you think the resistors should be, for the divider, and for the pull-ups ?

Or do I connect the pull-up resistors to the +5V , the resistor being then the same value as the "R1" resistor of the divider ? (I think it is the best solution, but.... )

Thanks for your time,

You can't lower the I2C voltage with resistors. The I2C bus is a open-collector two way bus.

It is okay to connect the 3.3V I2C bus to a 5V Arduino board, as long as the 3.3V is read a logical 'HIGH' input by the Arduino. There are many posts about this, also a page:

However, the sensor can't have 5V at its pins, so you need two 4k7 pullup resistors to 3.3V (not to 5V !).

I checked the photo of the sensor board, but there seems to be no pullup resistors. Or are they on the back side ?

Oh, yes... two way bus :blush: !
Thanks a lot for your answer and your link, I couldn't find it (I didn't use the right words :wink: ) !
It answers all my questions :slight_smile:

Edit : no, there are no pull-up resistors on the sensor board