SOLVED: IDE 2.0 digitalwrite() not working for GPIO pins RP2040

I'm trying to blink an external LED with my Raspberry Pi Pico.

I recently downloaded the latest IDE, and set up my pico.

I am able to blink the onboard LED using the Blink example.

I want to blink an external LED, so I put the LED between GPIO pin 24 and ground pin 23 (yes polarity is correct, LED is not dead either). But it's not working. I can't get anything out of the LED.

I am using an unmodified version of Blink, the only thing I changed is the pin numbers in pinMode and digitalWrite().

Anyone have any idea what this issue is?

Also if I have put this in the wrong place, sorry, It's my first post, still trying to find my way around.

Thanks :slight_smile:

what no resistor!

The Pico is not as robust as an Arduino based on the AVR processors. You probably killed stone dead the GPIO pins you connected to an LED.

oh shoot eh? trying to pull too much current from GPIO you think?

I thought the resistor was to protect the LED lol

Well I found my problem. Thankfully I did not fry my pins. resistor now in series

I simply misread the pinouts. I was coding based on actual pin number, not GPIO index. works now when i connect to the correct pin.

Thanks for the reply @Grumpy_Mike

I'd like 2 cents in the dollar that other original pin is dead.

turns out the original pin I was trying to write to didn't exist hahaha. the difference between GPIO index and actual index probably saved me while screwing me lol

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