I'm trying to blink an external LED with my Raspberry Pi Pico.
I recently downloaded the latest IDE, and set up my pico.
I am able to blink the onboard LED using the Blink example.
I want to blink an external LED, so I put the LED between GPIO pin 24 and ground pin 23 (yes polarity is correct, LED is not dead either). But it's not working. I can't get anything out of the LED.
I am using an unmodified version of Blink, the only thing I changed is the pin numbers in pinMode and digitalWrite().
Anyone have any idea what this issue is?
Also if I have put this in the wrong place, sorry, It's my first post, still trying to find my way around.
turns out the original pin I was trying to write to didn't exist hahaha. the difference between GPIO index and actual index probably saved me while screwing me lol