Solved: Labview Serial Problem

I'm using a labview program to control an arduino Uno through serial commands. The arduino is Rx is flashing, but it is not sending as it should. I am having this problem with 6 different computers running windows XP, vista, 7, and 8 and using 5 different unos and a mega. I was able to communicate with the arduinos on certain computers before the labview code ran. Once we ran the code the communication stopped working. The code has worked previously though on multiple arduinos and computers. Could anyone make suggestions on settings that might be worth checking from the labview or device interface side? Thanks for your help.

Are you having trouble uploading a sketch to your Uno? Or trouble communicating between your Uno and LabView?

Trouble communicating between the uno (or mega) and labview. I'm also not able to talk to any serial terminal that the program has been loaded onto.

Update: We found out that some of the Arduino's are not responding for a few minutes after they are plugged in and then they are functioning fine. Does this sound familiar or helpful? Thanks again for any responses.

Lack of communication is due to user error. The arduino was looking for pins to be high and I did not have all the things connected.

Labview is sending unexpected characters in the serial commands. Not known why, but it's a labview problem. Not arduino.

To learn a lot about connecting labview to arduino via serial port (arduino usb), you should visit this site. it is very useful and presents a lot of simulated simple projects to connect arduino to labview. All simulated with Proteus ISIS, It is really nice.


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I simply echoed verbatim what Webroot reported to me. They classify the site as "High Risk". Under "Threat Categories Found" they list "Windows Exploits found".

@abseed: right now, of your thrirteen posts, nine of them have been promoting your website.
If I were more cynical, I'd say this was simple SEO.

Give it a rest.