Sony Ericsson w810i LCD screen

I dismantled my good old phone so i can use the LCD screen with an Arduino, this will be my first time dealing with LCD screen and im kind of in trouble for where to start. let me show you what i have, is the complete lcd screen + the phone board + the camera.

these are the parts i have

Uploaded with

this is the back of the LCD, where the conector to the board of the phone is

Uploaded with

the phone board

Uploaded with

any ideas on where to start searching information, or any advice on how to start learning to use this LCD screen?

thanks in advance!

Hi there,

I am doing something similar (with different LCD) and the first steps you would need to do are

  • Find out how to connect this lcd to a test bed ... find the connector or directly solder it
  • Find out what display controller this LCD is using -> that will tell you the pins functions for the LCD

hope this helps