I am trying to download ST7565.h but I have a error as you can see on picture, how to fix it ST7565.h
No library was found:
Download the ZIP file again and move it to this path in Explorer: C:\Users\XXX\Documents\Arduino\libraries\
Instead of XXX you have to enter your username. The ZIP file is at the bottom. Unpack them into the same folder (i.e. in the Libraries folder). Open the folder. After that you should see this:
Take the folder with a gray background and move it back to "Libraries" -> see picture.
Now everything should work! If you have any further questions, all you have to do is get in touch!
Thanks it is working, now I will connect 128X64 SPI ST7567A and se will it work.
OK. Would you like to just mark the answer as a solution so that everyone can see that the question is now solved?
The library problem is solved, but LCD connection is not, still looking for example code which is using SCL and SDA
12864 SPI LCD Module 128X64 SPI ST7567A COG Graphic Display Screen Board LCM Panel 128x64 Dot Matrix Screen for Arduino
Then it would be best to make a new post and ask for help there again, so that this question appears higher up again.
ok, problem solved by
post #4
those pins which I going to test
// pin 9 - Serial data out (SID) , SDA
// pin 8 - Serial clock out (SCLK) , SCL
// pin 7 - Data/Command select (RS or A0) , DC
// pin 6 - LCD reset (RST) , RST
// pin 5 - LCD chip select (CS) , CS
ST7565 glcd(SDA, SCL, DC, RST, CS5);
ST7565 glcd(9, 8, 7, 6, 5);
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