Stepper Motor Power Supply


I'm new to stepper motors and seeking some guidance. I've read a ton of posts and I'm rather confused...

I have a Nema 17 stepper motor with a rated current of 1.7A. I want to control it using my Arduino nano and an A4988 motor driver (per attached standard wiring).
My Arduino will be powered from a separate power bank (

My questions:

  1. Is the A4988 driver suitable for my stepper motor (datasheet mentions: Output drive capacity of up to 35 V and ± 2 A)? I've read it can handle up to 2A with a heat sink but I'm not sure. If not, which driver would you recommend?

  2. I understand that the motor voltage rating is irrelevant as limiting the current will limit the voltage per ohms law. How do choose the power supply? I've read everywhere that "higher voltage is better" and "12v-24v DC power supply" is good. But I have no idea where these numbers come from and what amps should I be looking for in the power supply...

I would appreciate any help.

The A4988 can deliver only about 1 A/phase without extra cooling, so be SURE to set the current limit to that or below.

If you need the full torque, you will need a higher current motor driver like this one. Again, follow instructions to set the current limit.

A laptop power brick, say 16V at 3A will be more than adequate. Pick them up cheap at thrift shops or computer recycling outfits.

as limiting the current will limit the voltage per ohms law

Not so. The current limiting is active. Look up the motor winding resistance on the motor data sheet (post a link to it).

You're on the right track. Thanks for the fine wiring!
Using a powerbank might force You to waist, by pulsing, some current to keep the powerbank stay online. I use them.

I think it's A4988 I'm using. Heat sinks are needed and a little fan moving the air will be fine.
Make sure that the motor power supply handles at least 5 Amps.

Yes, motor voltage is irrelevant. Controlled current is the key. The higher voltage the faster responce from the stepper, more power output on the axle but a bit more heating for the driver.

The A4988 can deliver only about 1 A/phase without extra cooling, so be SURE to set the current limit to that or below.

If you need the full torque, you will need a higher current motor driver like this one. Again, follow instructions to set the current limit.

A laptop power brick, say 16V at 3A will be more than adequate. Pick them up cheap at thrift shops or computer recycling outfits.
Not so. The current limiting is active. Look up the motor winding resistance on the motor data sheet (post a link to it).

I checked up the stuff I use and it's A4988's. Heatsink is of course needed and I also added a 12 volt 2" fan moving the air. 1.5 Amps is no problem.

How do choose the power supply? I've read everywhere that "higher voltage is better"

Stepper motor torque falls off rapidly with speed. Using a higher voltage will give more torque at higher speeds.

If you know the permitted current and the coil resistance or the nominal voltage you can work out how many watts the motor consumes and use that to size the power supply.

For illustration I will guess that your 1.7 amp motor has a coil resistance of 3 ohms and a nominal voltage of 5.1v (1.7 * 3 = 5.1). That would calculate out to 1.7 * 5.1 = 8.67 watts. Double that to be on the safe side and you need a power supply that can provide a bit over 17 watts - call it 20 watts. A 12v power supply capable of providing 1.67 amps or a 24v power supply that can provide 0.83 amps would both be suitable. If in doubt round up to say 12 x 2 amps or 24v x 1 amp.

Obviously you need to re-do the calculations with the correct data for your motor.

Stepper Motor Basics
Simple Stepper Code


Thank you all for your clear and to the point answers.

I don't need the full torque so I will proceed with the A4988 driver with a heat sink (and current limit) and test how it goes.

For the power supply, I got the motor datasheet (attached). Here are my calculations :

  • The rated current is 1.7A and the coil resistance is 1.65ohms -> Nominal voltage is 2,8V
  • Nominal power would be ~5Watts, doubling that to be safe so 10 Watts -> A 12V, 1amp power supply will be enough

I'm planning on using some kind AC/DC power supply like this one.

Am I on the right track here?

Thanks again for your help.

17HS19-2004S1.pdf (1.86 MB)

Ops stepper,

Tom... :slight_smile:

I'm planning on using some kind AC/DC power supply like this one.

Does this power supply seems right to use in this case?

Thank you

Does this power supply seems right to use in this case?

I don't know. I would not choose to buy one of them (not sure why, I guess I wonder if it can really deliver all the current that it claims). On the other hand if I already had one of them I would certainly try it.


Motor voltage may be one of the most misunderstood parts of selection and is absolutely Vital to high performance.

For simple hobby projects it is overlooked.

Performance is based on the ratio of nameplate voltage and power supply voltage.

The first point is APPLICATION
How much power do you need?

Performance is based on motor voltage to power supply voltage.

Think about three motors
12v rated 12v power supply
5v rated 12v power supply
1.5v rated 12v power supply

Power is the ratio of rating to supply.

You will get more performance out of a 1.5v motor with a 5v power supply than 5v motor and a 12v power supply

[Rant mode]
Since most applications are hobby and we don't need or care about performance we don't bother with the engineering and little importance is placed on one of the most fundamental points of product selection.
[/rant mode]

Final nofe is that heat also goes up with the ratio.

You will get more performance out of a 1.5v motor with a 5v power supply than 5v motor and a 12v power supply

I don't think that is really relevant to stepper motors.


I don't think that is really relevant to stepper motors.


Please read the first paragraph of my post.
You might be missing some fundamental understanding about electronics.. [ motors]

Does this power supply seems right to use in this case?

Thank you

Since we are not pushing the envelope on your application . A rule of thumb is that most Chinese ratings are very optimistic. Most of us recommend you figure that the rating is twice the actual rating.

Since you are doing hobby type things the motor and voltage are really good. Expect some warming of the motor but not burn your fingers hot.

An old pc power supply would be good to test with. You would want the capacitor bank in testing.

Please read the first paragraph of my post.

I had done so before I wrote Reply #10.

A higher voltage is useful for stepper motors because it helps maintain torque at higher speeds. But it does not increase torque beyond whatever is available from the motor's permitted current. And people just don't operate stepper motors at voltages so low that the permitted current cannot be reached. For one thing, most stepper drivers have a minimum voltage that is well above the motor's nominal voltage. The stepper driver should be set to limit the current to the motor's permitted level regardless of voltage - otherwise the high voltage will manifest itself as smoke.


my apologies to mamouito for the long posts on his thread.

he seems to have a good set of parts so he should get results .

in answer the why voltage ratio in key, and voltage increases motor power in steppers :

Except with motors, it seems we expect Ohm’s law applies to everything we do.

For motors, most hobbiests don’t think resistance applies and you can just ignore voltage and how it applies and just use more. More = better.

If you get nothing else from this, you should understand that it is the RATIO of motor voltage to power supply voltage that is important.

The corner point is NOT the goal or even desired, it is the point of failure and should be avoided at all cost. You should re-read about steppers and understand that the thin red line is separation between failure and safe operation. The graph is for motors. Not anything to do with drivers. It is for the motor alone.

With a driver, the current is limited. So it is ‘safe’ to use under the corner point as the runaway failure cannot happen due to the added current limiting circuitry.

Next is motor power. The problem with high speed is the greater and greater effect of the permanent magnets and the detent loss as stepper motor speed increases. So speed is limited by the increasing effect the permanent magnets on the motor. To get higher speed from a motor requires that the motor has more power. You cannot have more power at one point and not at other points.

If you look at the corner speed, you see that 2x voltage moves the point at low speed. Clearly the motor gains more power when you move the voltage to 2x nameplate. Again, ratio of voltage to nameplate.

A motor is comprised of sets of coils. So, we then look at why the exact same motor can be had with 1.5 volt nameplate, 5v, 12 volt, etc. The coil is what is different.

What is needed to be understood is that nameplate is the voltage that can be applied without damage. If you were to connect 12v to a motor rated for 1.5volt, you would damage it. ADD the control chip and things change. Understanding why the LM298 is a proper and very workable stepper driver is misunderstood by many. YES, there is newer technology so there are other choices, but for driving a motor, the fundamentals don’t change because silicon products change. The Atmel328 chip has been superseded by many processors, but we do not tell people to throw them away and get a ‘proper’ micro-controller.

Back to the coil.
If you have a 5v coil and feed it with a 5 volt power supply with a simple H-Bridge transistor, the coil will become fully charged at some point in time. let’s say 10.2ms. Now, let’s use a FET H-bridge, with the lower resistance, it still works, it might (for the purpose of this discussion) allow the coil to become fully charged in 10ms. There is a desire for newer technology but not any requirement.
The 5 volt could be left on the coil forever and no problems.

The following bit is what is not understood when discussing steppers and voltages.
If one changes the power supply voltage, then a new family of speed-torque curves result. As an example, if the power supply voltage is doubled then a new curve is generated; the curve now has twice the torque at any given speed above corner speed. Since power equals torque times speed, the motor now generates twice as much power as well.

Now, we create a chopper circuit like the L298 uses, with the needed resistor feedback to limit the current at the level the motor needs. Yes, other workable stepper drivers chips can be used and they too have resistors for setting the current limit like a proper stepper driver such as the L298 has.

A note about the L298, it is a perfectly workable stepper driver when connected properly as a stepper driver. Newer drivers have more features, microstepping and also use FET’s which offer much less resistance which results in less heating and more power delivered. The application did not change nor did the circuit, just newer technology with added features. It is not the recommended device, but it is perfectly workable.

But, with the pieces in place for a proper stepper driver, valves and feedback, we can use higher voltages. The reason that this is so commonly misunderstood and why it seems some are under the impression that Ohm’s law does not apply to stepper motors when it comes to voltages.
When you feed the coil with twice the motor rating, you can charge the coil in less time. The feedback will tell the driver chip to stop dumping power and start to current limit. That is the sole function of a proper stepper driver. L298 et al.

What happens in the coil ? During low speed, middle or high speed, does not make any difference. The coil becomes fully charged faster and the current reached the maximum point faster. This means each coil spends more time at full power. This is much more important at low speed where the motor delivers more power. At low speed the motor delivers more power where we use it in our applications.

Higher speeds is not important to 99% of applications as steppers are extremely poor choice for high speed applications. Low speed power is the goal of serious CNC machines and why we power our steppers at 70 volts or more and with power supply voltages of 25 times nameplate, If possible.

The correct reply to ‘what voltage’ should be 2-5 times nameplate or more.
They question of ‘why’ is : The motor delivers more power at low speed where we use the steppers and where they are best suited for applications.

The question of heat does come into play. Every motor has a data sheet so one should check the data sheet. The rule of thumb is that if you touch it, and you get burnt, it is over powered. If you cannot lay your hand on it comfortably for over 5 seconds, it is but too warm, reduce the power.

There are a lot of tutorials for steppers and most are full of errors and incorrect information, but in the hobby arena, we see that if you select devices and use them in the middle of their abilities, you can get things to work. So, like most Instructables, most tutorials get things to work and get results so, even though they contain bad or incorrect information, they do get people to get things working so have value to the community.