Stepper Motor working, but while at rest has very small vibrations

I'm messing around with a stepper motor, powering it with a driver and using an arduino uno r3 to run it. When the motor is at rest it has very small vibrations and I'm not sure if it's supposed to. They're small enough I can only hear them when the motor is close to my ear. I'm using an A4988 motor driver, Elegoo Uno R3 as the arduino, and have them hooked together using a breadboard. It also has a button I use to turn it on. The motor works just fine, it spins and whatnot with no problem, no bad noise or vibrations. The code is also here in case it's important, although I'm not sure where the problem would be in it.

#define step 4
#define dir 1
#define button 8

void setup() {
  // put your setup code here, to run once:
  pinMode(step, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(dir, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(button, INPUT);

void loop() {
  // put your main code here, to run repeatedly:
  if (digitalRead(button) == HIGH){
    dynamic_rotate(10, HIGH, 350, 1500, 2);

void dynamic_rotate(float rotations, int direction, int speed, int start_speed, int accel){
  //rotations, float, number of rotations you want the motor to achieve, will round to nearest STEP
  //direction, word??, HIGH for forwards, LOW for reverse
  //speed, int, final delay in microseconds between phases
  //start_speed, int, initial delay in microseconds between phases
  //accel, int, difference in delays between each time of start speed
  digitalWrite(dir, direction);
  int cur = start_speed;
  int tracker = 0;
    for(int x = 0; x < lround(200*rotations); x++){
      digitalWrite(step, HIGH);
      digitalWrite(step, LOW);
      tracker += 2*cur;
      if (cur != speed){
        if (tracker >= start_speed){
          cur -= accel;
          tracker = 0;
      if (digitalRead(button) == HIGH){

No, that indicates a wiring problem, power supply problem or improper setup, like failing to set the motor driver current limit correctly.

Also, breadboards are intended for temporary experiments with low power logic circuitry, and cannot support motor currents. The tracks can burn. Best to solder motor and motor power supply connections directly to the driver, or use screw terminals, if provided.

Thank you, I am going to switch over to a more appropriate setup once I am done figuring out how the code and everything works. I’ll first try adjusting the current limit and then see if it’s a power supply issue.

Is the motor shaft actually moving or are you just hearing noise. If it is just audible you are probably hearing the sound of the current limiting pulses from the motor driver.

We know virtually nothing about your setup.
Which stepper motor (don't say NEMA xx), which supply (voltage and current), and what current is the A4988 set to. Did you use a cap on the supply. Did you use a pull down resistor with the button.