Stepper problems

hello, my stepper wont turn faster, making that noise. i dont know why, other steppers have the same problem.
i try to run a stepper test code and it doesnt change anything. i use 1/16 step cause with full or half the stepper move realy slow. maybe the pros could help me cause i am a arduino beginner (noob;) )
here is a video of my problem please copy the link cause somehow the video doesnt work.

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h>
#include <AccelStepper.h>

// Definition der Pins für SoftwareSerial
const int rxPin = 10;   // RX Pin des Arduino
const int txPin = 11;   // TX Pin des Arduino

// Definition der Pins für Taster
const int increment10Pin = 2; // Taster für 10-Grain-Schritte
const int increment1Pin = 3;  // Taster für 1-Grain-Schritte
const int increment0_1Pin = 4; // Taster für 0,1-Grain-Schritte
const int increment0_01Pin = 5; // Taster für 0,01-Grain-Schritte
const int startButtonPin = 6; // Startknopf

// Definition der Pins für Schrittmotoren (mit Stepper-Driver-Board)
const int stepper1EnablePin = 7; // Enable Pin für Stepper 1
const int stepper1DirPin = 8;    // Direction Pin für Stepper 1
const int stepper1StepPin = 9;   // Step Pin für Stepper 1

const int stepper2EnablePin = 12; // Enable Pin für Stepper 2
const int stepper2DirPin = 13;    // Direction Pin für Stepper 2
const int stepper2StepPin = 14;   // Step Pin für Stepper 2

// SoftwareSerial Objekt
SoftwareSerial mySerial(rxPin, txPin);

// LCD Display initialisieren (Adresse 0x27, 16 Zeichen, 2 Zeilen)
LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2);

// Schrittmotoren initialisieren (mit Stepper-Driver-Board)
AccelStepper stepper1(AccelStepper::DRIVER, stepper1StepPin, stepper1DirPin);
AccelStepper stepper2(AccelStepper::DRIVER, stepper2StepPin, stepper2DirPin);

// Variablen für das Zielgewicht
float targetWeight = 0.0;
float currentWeight = 0.0;
const float maxWeight = 100.0; // Maximalgewicht in Grain

// Timing
unsigned long previousMillis = 0;
unsigned long weightUpdateInterval = 100; // Zeitintervall für Gewichtsanfrage (in ms)
unsigned long correctionDelay = 600; // Korrekturzeit (in ms)

// Statusvariablen
bool running = false;
bool targetAchieved = false; // Statusvariable, ob das Zielgewicht erreicht wurde
bool weightStabilized = false;
bool correctionActive = false;
unsigned long startTime = 0;

// Befehle
const byte requestWeightCommand[] = {0x1B, 0x70}; // [ESC] + [p]

void setup() {
  // Serielle Schnittstelle für PC und Waage

  // LCD Display starten

  // Pinmodi für Taster
  pinMode(increment10Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(increment1Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(increment0_1Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(increment0_01Pin, INPUT_PULLUP);
  pinMode(startButtonPin, INPUT_PULLUP);

  // Schrittmotoren initialisieren
  pinMode(stepper1EnablePin, OUTPUT);
  pinMode(stepper2EnablePin, OUTPUT);
  digitalWrite(stepper1EnablePin, LOW); // Stepper 1 aktivieren
  digitalWrite(stepper2EnablePin, LOW); // Stepper 2 aktivieren

  stepper1.setMaxSpeed(10000); // Doppelte Maximalgeschwindigkeit
  stepper1.setAcceleration(1000); // Doppelte Beschleunigung
  stepper2.setMaxSpeed(10000); // Doppelte Maximalgeschwindigkeit
  stepper2.setAcceleration(1000); // Doppelte Beschleunigung

  // Startmeldung
  Serial.println("System bereit. Bitte Startknopf drücken.");
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("System bereit");

void loop() {
  unsigned long currentMillis = millis();

  // Taster abfragen und Zielgewicht einstellen
  if (digitalRead(increment10Pin) == LOW) {
    targetWeight += 10.0;
    delay(200); // Entprellung
  if (digitalRead(increment1Pin) == LOW) {
    targetWeight += 1.0;
    delay(200); // Entprellung
  if (digitalRead(increment0_1Pin) == LOW) {
    targetWeight += 0.1;
    delay(200); // Entprellung
  if (digitalRead(increment0_01Pin) == LOW) {
    targetWeight += 0.01;
    delay(200); // Entprellung

  // Zielgewicht auf dem Display anzeigen
  lcd.setCursor(0, 0);
  lcd.print("Ziel: ");
  lcd.print(targetWeight, 2);
  lcd.print(" grain");

  // Startknopf abfragen
  if (digitalRead(startButtonPin) == LOW && !running) {
    running = true;
    targetAchieved = false;
    weightStabilized = false;
    correctionActive = false;
    startTime = currentMillis;
    Serial.println("Startknopf gedrückt, System startet.");
    lcd.setCursor(0, 1);

    // Waage nullen und 0,3 Sekunden warten
    mySerial.write(0x1B); // ESC
    mySerial.write(0x74); // t (TARE)
    unsigned long tareStart = millis();
    while (millis() - tareStart < 300) {
      // Wartezeit ohne delay

  // Gewicht abfragen
  if (running && currentMillis - previousMillis >= weightUpdateInterval) {
    previousMillis = currentMillis;

    // Gewichtsanfrage an die Waage
    mySerial.write(requestWeightCommand, sizeof(requestWeightCommand));

    // Gewichtsdaten lesen
    if (mySerial.available()) {
      char buffer[20];
      int index = 0;
      while (mySerial.available()) {
        char incomingByte =;
        if (incomingByte == '\n') {
          buffer[index] = '\0';
        } else {
          buffer[index++] = incomingByte;
      currentWeight = atof(buffer); // Gewicht als float konvertieren

      // Aktuelles Gewicht auf dem Display anzeigen
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Gewicht: ");
      lcd.print(currentWeight, 2);
      lcd.print(" grain");

      // Überprüfen, ob das Zielgewicht erreicht wurde
      if (currentWeight >= targetWeight) {
        targetAchieved = true;

  // Schrittmotoren steuern
  if (running) {
    float percentage = (currentWeight / targetWeight) * 100;

    // Stepper 1 steuern
    if (percentage < 96.0) {
      stepper1.setSpeed(map(percentage, 0, 86, 80, 6) * (2048 / 60)); // Doppelte Geschwindigkeit

      if (percentage >= 96.0) {
        stepper1.move(-2048 / 4); // 1/4 Umdrehung in die andere Richtung

    // Stepper 2 steuern
    if (percentage >= 96.0 && percentage < 100.0) {
      stepper2.setSpeed(map(percentage, 96, 98, 50, 6) * (2048 / 60)); // Doppelte Geschwindigkeit

      if (percentage >= 100.0) {
        stepper2.move(-2048 / 4); // 1/4 Umdrehung in die andere Richtung

    // Korrektur nach 100%
    if (percentage >= 100.0 && !weightStabilized) {
      weightStabilized = true;
      correctionActive = true;
      startTime = currentMillis;

    // Nachkorrektur
    if (correctionActive && currentMillis - startTime >= correctionDelay) {
      correctionActive = false;
      stepper2.setSpeed(1 * (2048 / 60)); // 1 U/min

      // System beenden
      running = false;
      Serial.println("Zielgewicht erreicht, System angehalten.");
      lcd.setCursor(0, 1);
      lcd.print("Ziel erreicht   ");

@dadomsn What are you trying to do ?

Yes, you should really explain what you are doing there. Which components are used and how they are wired ( stepper, driver, PSU, which Arduino ... ).
Unfortunately your video cannot be seen.

Please show your testcode.
Your usage of Accelstepper in the posted code is wrong and will not work - and there are other problems.
But first we should know more details of your project.