No problem while the stepper motor is running, but what is the reason for this when the standby sounds?
it doesn't cause problems when I use it with easydriver but the room is lit after a while
Power Supply: 12V 2A
Driver: drv8825
Engine: Nema 17HS4401
It's hard to hear from the video. Is it a ticking sound or a constant hum? You can eliminate all stepper motor noise while it's not turning by setting the DRV8825's EN pin HIGH. This de-energizes the motor coils so it will turn freely. If you need the stepper to hold its position during standby then you should not do that.
I have to keep the position steady during the waiting. "Stepper.disable ();" while there is no problem it doesn't sound but "stepper.enable ();" while it makes a sound and the motor is not able to hold it, the motor turns by hand
stepper.enable(); allways ticking sound (tik tik tik tik)