Strange behaviour from Boards Manager on Mac


In another post I showed my problems uploading from my mac to the arduino. Those were solved, but I find it rather strange how the Boards manager shows up.

In the other post I was told that the newest version of Boards Manager is 1.8.2, but mine is 1.8.1. When I try to choose versions, I only see the 1.6.x alternatives. See the attached screendump.

Should I delete this version too, as I did with the 1.6.x? Or is this a bug?

Not a very big problem as things works very well, but anyway it don't seem normal.

Try this:

  • Restart the Arduino IDE if it's already running.
  • Tools > Board > Boards Manager
  • Wait for the downloads to finish.
  • Click the "Close" button.

Do you see any text in the black console window at the bottom of the Arduino IDE window? If so, please copy and paste the full text here.

There is no text in the console window.

This is very strange. I don't have an explanation. If you would like to investigate further, there are a couple things you could check:

Open /Users/tkh/Library/Arduino15/package_index.json in a text editor and check if it contains the following text:

          "name": "Arduino AVR Boards",
          "architecture": "avr",
          "version": "1.8.2",
          "category": "Arduino",
          "help": {
            "online": ""
          "url": "",
          "archiveFileName": "avr-1.8.2.tar.bz2",
          "checksum": "SHA-256:6213d41c6e91a75ac931527da5b10f2dbe0140c8cc1dd41b06cd4e78b943f41b",
          "size": "4918242",
          "boards": [
            {"name": "Arduino Yún"},
            {"name": "Arduino Uno"},
            {"name": "Arduino Uno WiFi"},
            {"name": "Arduino Diecimila"},
            {"name": "Arduino Nano"},
            {"name": "Arduino Mega"},
            {"name": "Arduino MegaADK"},
            {"name": "Arduino Leonardo"},
            {"name": "Arduino Leonardo Ethernet"},
            {"name": "Arduino Micro"},
            {"name": "Arduino Esplora"},
            {"name": "Arduino Mini"},
            {"name": "Arduino Ethernet"},
            {"name": "Arduino Fio"},
            {"name": "Arduino BT"},
            {"name": "Arduino LilyPadUSB"},
            {"name": "Arduino Lilypad"},
            {"name": "Arduino Pro"},
            {"name": "Arduino ATMegaNG"},
            {"name": "Arduino Robot Control"},
            {"name": "Arduino Robot Motor"},
            {"name": "Arduino Gemma"},
            {"name": "Adafruit Circuit Playground"},
            {"name": "Arduino Yún Mini"},
            {"name": "Arduino Industrial 101"},
            {"name": "Linino One"}
          "toolsDependencies": [
              "packager": "arduino",
              "name": "avr-gcc",
              "version": "7.3.0-atmel3.6.1-arduino5"
              "packager": "arduino",
              "name": "avrdude",
              "version": "6.3.0-arduino17"
              "packager": "arduino",
              "name": "arduinoOTA",
              "version": "1.3.0"

Check /Users/tkh/Library/Arduino15/application.log to see if it contains anything that looks relevant for the time frame when you last opened Boards Manager.

If you are just interested in a workaround to get you using Arduino AVR Boards 1.8.2, you should be able to do it by deleting /Users/tkh/Library/Arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/avr/1.8.1. Please be very careful when deleting things on your computer. When in doubt, back up! Arduino IDE 1.8.12 comes with a bundled copy of Arduino AVR Boards 1.8.2, so deleting the installed Arduino AVR Boards 1.8.1 will force the bundled version to be used.

Thanks a lot. It helped just renaming the 1.8.1 folder avr. No I am using ver 1.8.2

You're welcome. I'm glad if I was able to be of assistance. Enjoy!