strange readings from thermocouple with MAX6675

Hi all,
I am using the RBBB Arduino clone board.
I was just testing my PID controller & noticed that at boiling point I got a low reading of 187F.

So I loaded just a temp reading example from adafruit & still got the same numbers . I am using a K-type thermocouple and a MAX6675 breakout board from adafruit.

Here is the code I used (ps, I made sure CLK, DO and CS were all on the correct pins)

// this example is public domain. enjoy!

#include "MAX6675.h"

//int thermoDO = 4;
//int thermoCS = 5;
//int thermoCLK = 6;
int thermoDO = 12;
int thermoCS = 10;
int thermoCLK = 13;

MAX6675 thermocouple(thermoCLK, thermoCS, thermoDO);
int vccPin = 3;
int gndPin = 2;
void setup() {
  // use Arduino pins 
  pinMode(vccPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(vccPin, HIGH);
  pinMode(gndPin, OUTPUT); digitalWrite(gndPin, LOW);
  Serial.println("MAX6675 test");
  // wait for MAX chip to stabilize

void loop() {
  // basic readout test, just print the current temp
   Serial.print("C = "); 
   Serial.print("F = ");

I forgot to say, that 32F is spot on, its just the boiling point that is strange