So, I just bought the Arduino starter kit and I am stuck on project one. I've tried swapping out the parts in case if they're faulty and tried putting the resistor, switch and LED light in different slots and the LED light still doesn't seem to be turning on.
One side of your led isn't connected to anything.
I'd be surprised of the contrary... move the yellow wire 'tree rows to the left'
Flip the led around and make sure you don't have it backwards.
You should also consider posting the code. Very few people here will know the starter kit very intimately. Many of us started without it. Some of us started before it was even a thing. So it really isn't safe to assume that we'd already know it.
It's working now, thankyou for the help.
- In the future orient the LED correctly.
Flat side is the Cathode, it should be connected closest to the negative side (0V or GND) of the circuit.
I'll make sure I do that on the second project.
This is a circuit you should keep in mind for projects.
Please note, the two LEDs can be turned ON by either connecting a Arduino pin to the LED Anode or the Cathode. The former the LED D2 comes ON when the pin is HIGH, the later, the LED D1 comes ON when the pin is LOW.