Suggestion for OLED Menu

Hey Guys -

Working on a project which includes an SSD1306 & rotary encoder (with pushbutton) where I'm wanting the following, but unsure the best way to go about it.

  • On startup, show static title + the current value of 3 variables (This I e already done)
  • Pushing the rotary encoder button shows a menu listing 3 variables (different than above) which you may change value of using rotary encoder followed by a "Back" button which takes you back to the title screen

As mentioned, I've got the title screen how I want it plus rotary encoder working - just need to get the single sub-menu. I found a few examples online for menus, but all of them start with a menu - not a title / status page. Ran across the arduino-menusystem library plus got this project working, but so far no luck getting it to work the way i want & perhaps overkill what what I'm wanting.

To note, the project uses a lot of resources and have read menusystem is hungry so if theres a lighter choice, that would be great.

Any suggestions?


You could look at this GitHub - MajicDesigns/MD_Menu: Menu system for displays with up to 2 lines - not 100% what you are asking for but it has a light touch on RAM resources.

It is designed for LCD module displays but I have it working on an OLED as well. The title screen and menu are managed by your application and you can have them share the same resource.

Thanks - Looking into it. Looking into U8g2lib as well.

I think my biggest hurdle is how to make it start at the info/title screen then go to the menu after click. If starting with a menu, it would be a lot simpler.

Any additional suggestions appreciated - Thanks!

I think my biggest hurdle is how to make it start at the info/title screen then go to the menu after click.

The examples in MD_Menu all flip from a 'normal' display to menu and show how to manage this. When you have only got 2 lines on a display sharing the display with the menu is not an option :frowning:

Here's a bit more info if you are interested A Menu System for LCD Modules – Arduino++

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