

I see all over the internet people talking and showing the Teensy board. I am interested in this board due to it's size, but in South Africa I can only get hold of the Nano USB Microcontroller v3 (ARDUINO NANO 3.0 DEB/PROTO BOARD Compatible). Is this the same thing?

Thank you.

South Africa.

No, probably not.
The Aruino Nano is based on the ATmega328p microcontroller (just like the Uno) with an on-board USB/Serial converter (FTDI on the original, CH340G on most of the Chinese derivatives.)

The original Teensy (Teensy 2.0) used an ATmega32u4 (same CPU that is used on the the Leonardo and "Arduino Micro", which has a direct USB connection. It's "slightly smaller" than an Arduino Nano.

But most of the internet hype is probably about the Teensy 3.x boards, which are based on an ARM microcontroller, which is much faster, has much more memory, and is quite different than than AVR cpu.

Some of the Teensy boards are available from Chinese distributers. For example: https://www.aliexpress.com/store/product/Teensy-2-0-USB-Keyboard-Mouse-AVR-for-arduino-ISP-Board-Mega32u4-U-Disk-Experiment-usb/213957_32363184858.html - does that help any?

Thank you, it helps a lot. I have sourced the Teensy boards in South Africa, that I am interested in using.


Hi Brian, the Teensy is not an Arduino product, but instead it comes from PJRC. They should be available in South Africa because PJRC's tagline is Electronic Project Components Available Worldwide.

I don't have one, but from what I understand, the Teensy 3.X uses various ARM processors running in the 100ish MHz range. The older but still produced Teensy 2.X uses the AVR 32u4 chip, the same as in the Arduino Micro.