The problem is i get decreasing Temp readings while increasing the temperature. Looking at both schematics, is it possible that the R and the Thermistor r switched in positions?
How can i fix that with the formula?
I would try just reversing the leads of the thermistor, if you haven't already. Also, hook up your thermistor and use a voltmeter across pin 2 and ground of the device you purchased. You should see a voltage increase. If you do, either the code is wrong, or you have the leads reversed somewhere.
I don't know which of the scripts you are using from the link you cited. Below is what I use with a similar Op-Amp. The voltage conversion will not be the same but if you use it, at least you will see pretty quick whether your signal is going the right way
// LM358 K type Thermocouple amplifier
// Measuring full range 0 to 1250 C
int SCKX = 5;
int CS = 6;
int SO = 7;
float X = 5.0/1023; // analog reading in volts based on 5 volt max
int i=0;
int u=0;
int value = 0;
int err = 0;
float temp = 0;
int samples=1;
int units=0;
int command = 0; // This is the command char, in ascii form, sent from the serial port
void setup(){
pinMode(CS, OUTPUT);
pinMode(SO, INPUT);
pinMode(SCKX, OUTPUT);
pinMode(2, OUTPUT); // Test Com Reset issue
pinMode(9, OUTPUT); // Test Com Reset issue
double Temp_Out(double Vin){ // calculates deg C from voltage for K thermocouple)
double Sum;
double a0=0;
double a1=2.5132785E-2;
double a2=6.0883423E-8;
double a3=5.5358209E-13;
double a4=9.3720918E-18;
Sum= a1 * Vin + a2* pow(Vin,2)+ a3* pow(Vin,3)+ a4* pow(Vin,4);
return Sum * 10000; //
void Average10() { // average 10 readings
float Ave;
int AveCt ;
AveCt =0;
Ave = 0;
do {
Ave = Ave + analogRead(0) ;
AveCt = AveCt + 1;
} while (AveCt < 10 ) ;
temp = (Ave/AveCt)/204 ; // Convert to 5 volt reading to degrees F
temp = Temp_Out(temp);
void loop() {
value = 0;
if (Serial.available()>0) { // Look for char in serial que and process if found
command =;
if (command == 84) { // If command = "T" turn it on
if (command == 67) { // If command = "C" turn it off
if (command==68){ //if command ="D" sound tone
if (command==69){ //if command ="E" end tone
command = 0; // reset command
Average10(); // take averaged sample
Serial.print("@- ");
Serial.print(temp); // output to computer USB port
Serial.println(" -Tmp ");
Also with ur code i get decreasing values on increasing temperature.
On reversing the leads it works the right way but it leads to destruction, because i cant just switch gnd with vcc on that 393 and be working against the diodes direction.
1024 and 10000 both fit in 16 bits (the size of 'int' in Arduino C++), so they have type int. Unfortunately, when you multiply them, the multiplication overflows because the result does not fit in 16 bits. If you write 1024L * 10000L instead, you should get the correct result.
To which base are the logarithms calculated Naperian (base e or base 10? I apologize for a 'slightly' off topic question but I haven't been able to find that information elsewhere.