TensorFlow Lite for Microcontroller version in Arduino Web Editor


I am experimenting with some tinyML projects in the Arduino Web Editor (the Cloud-based IDE) and I wondered what TensorFlowLite for Microcontroller (TFLM) is available in the IDE. I was experimenting with an LSTM operator (already available in the TFLM library). However, it seems that the version in the IDE is older because I got an error on the LSTMOperator, as per screenshot. Any chance the TFLM can be updated in the IDE? if not, how can I update the library in the IDE?

Many thanks for your help.
Gian Marco

Is this specific to the Web Editor?

Is it possible for you to check the IDE running on a local machine?

Hi, I am not using the IDE on my local machine. At the moment, I am only using the cloud-IDE (Arduino Web Editor). I m not sure how to get the version of the library from there. Do you have any suggestions?


Hi @gimmy987. I provided some information in my reply to your other topic:

Which specific library are you referring to? Is it the primary TFLM project here?

There is ambiguity because, in addition to that source project, there are multiple Arduino library projects based on it and packaged in various ways.

You can start the investigation by examining the verbose output from compiling the sketch:

  1. From the menu on the left side of the "Arduino Web Editor" window, click "Preferences".
  2. Check the box next to "☐ Always show output panel**".
  3. Check the box next to "☐ Console: Show verbose output**".
  4. Compile the sketch by clicking the button on the Arduino Web Editor toolbar.
  5. Wait for the compilation to finish (or fail).

Now examine the contents of the black "console" panel at the bottom of the Arduino Web Editor window. You may need to scroll up to find it, but you will see a list of the library dependencies used when compiling the sketch. Something like this:

Using library harvard_tinymlx_1_2_3_alpha at version 1.2.3-Alpha in folder: /home/builder/opt/libraries/harvard_tinymlx_1_2_3_alpha

Using library Wire in folder: /home/builder/.arduino15/packages/arduino/hardware/mbed_rp2040/3.2.0/libraries/Wire (legacy)

Here you can see the versions of those libraries. You can also see the names. Unfortunately Arduino Cloud mangles the names of the libraries from Arduino Library Manager by lowercasing them and replacing spaces with _. After some sleuthing, I determined that the real name of the library in my example was "Harvard_TinyMLx", but it might have been "harvard tinymlx" as well.

Once you know the name, you can use Library Manager to get more information about it:

  1. If it is not already open, select "Libraries" from the menu on the left side of the "Arduino Web Editor" window to open the Libraries panel.
  2. Click the LIBRARY MANAGER button.
  3. In the "SEARCH LIBRARY" field, type the library name
  4. Find the entry for the library in the search results.
  5. If the star to the right of the library is not already filled, click the star.
  6. Click the DONE button.

The library will now be listed in the "FAVORITES" tab of the Libraries panel. If you don't see it there, click the link after the "SHOWING LIBRARIES FOR ..." to remove the board-specific filter from the listings.

Each of the libraries in the "FAVORITES" listing has a "More info" link. This will usually take you to some additional information about the library or to its source code.

If you don't get the information you need from that link, there is another way to get information:

If you click the icon to the right side of the library name in the "FAVORITES" listing, a menu will open. This includes a "Modify Library" option that will open the library's files in Arduino Web Editor. In addition to the source code, you may find a readme and other documentation files. If you prefer, you can select "Download Library" from the menu and then examine the library contents on your own computer.

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