Why I can't find the Arduino_TensorFlowLite library in library management?

Why I can't find the Arduino_TensorFlowLite library in library management?

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Where have you see reference to the library that you are looking for ?

Thanks for your reply.

I see from TensorflowLite,

Use the Arduino library If you are using Arduino, the Hello World example is included in the Arduino_TensorFlowLite Arduino library, which you can download from the Arduino IDE and in Arduino Create.

But I can't find it.

Hi @baichuanhuang. The library was recently removed from Library Manager at the request of the TensorFlow Lite Micro maintainers:

At this time, the only way to install the library is manually, following the instructions provided in the library's documentation:


Please let us know if you have any questions or problems while following those instructions.

In order to prevent others from suffering from the same confusion, I have submitted a request for the outdated information to be removed from the TensorFlow documentation:

Thanks for your reply.

May I know what's the confusion? According to the information:

Thanks a lot.

The confusion is that the TensorFlow site says

A nightly build of the Arduino library is available via the Arduino IDE's library manager.

But it is not true any more since was recently removed from Library Manager at the request of the TensorFlow Lite Micro maintainers

Thanks for your reply.

It's a pity for the deletion of this useful library.

What's prevent you from install it from github? It's easy. see the tutorial above.
Libraries installed manually are no different from those installed through the manager

Thanks for your reply. I can install it from GitHub. It's not hard.

Sorry if this is the wrong place to ask this, but is there a way to still access older versions of that library? I have the newest version installed as per the instructions, but some tutorials I would like to try require 1.15-ALPHA uncompiled. I remember that as long as the library was available via the Arduino library manager, it was easy to choose a version via drop-down list. Thanks a lot for any info (I did not open a new topic because my question directly relates to the removal of the library from the Arduino library manager).

Hi @foostermann. It is still available for direct download here:


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Many thanks, much appreciated! I also managed to download the 1.14 version by changing the URL. Is there any way to search for discontinued libraries?

As you discovered, the URLs always follow the same format:

https://downloads.arduino.cc/libraries/<Git host>/<Git host organization>/<library name>-<version>.zip

So if you happen to know all those things (<Git host> is github.com for 99.9% of libraries, even though other major hosts are supported), then you know the URL.

If you don't know all of it, you can hunt for an archived version of the JSON file that contains the library. That file is occasionally archived by the Internet Archive Wayback Machine:


Note that the JSON file is very large and loading pages on Wayback Machine is very slow, so you must be patient and wait for the full JSON file to load.

You will find the download URL for each library release in the libraries[*].url field of the file.

Wayback Machine automatically converts all URLs to the URL of the archived page on Wayback Machine (e.g., https://web.archive.org/web/20220829173445/https://downloads.arduino.cc/libraries/github.com/bcmi-labs/Arduino_TensorFlowLite-1.15.0-ALPHA.zip), but those ZIP files are not actually archived (Wayback Machine generally only archives web pages), so you must remove that web.archive.org prefix (e.g., https://web.archive.org/web/20220829173445/) from the URL and download the file directly from Arduino's server.

Note that there is no guarantee these files will continue to be available from Arduino's server. I was actually quite surprised to find the file was still there.

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