Because I know @StefanL38 likes screenshots, and in case it will be of use to other users who aren't familiar with the post composer interface, I'll provide illustrated instructions:
Click the icon on the post composer toolbar:
A menu will open:
Select "▸ Hide Details" from the menu:
The skeleton markup will be added to your post at the cursor location:
I personally prefer this approach because, although it is available here on Arduino Forum, BBCode markup is not supported on other platforms (e.g., GitHub, Stack Exchange). I like to have a single standard approach to writing that I can use on any platform that supports Markdown.
I use this template:
<summary><b><!-- TODO: title here --></b></summary>
<!-- TODO: content here -->
That's a pretty useful template. I know you must have a lot of pre-formatted templates just based on what your responses look like. Please share more of them if you don't mind.
lot's of text nothing shown after clicking the triangle ?
I guess this means more html-knowledge must be applied to make it work
self-explaining html-code
<b> <type in titel here:> the letters that will be shown as title </b></summary>
<type in detail-content here> start of details that are shown / hidden when clicking on the triangle
the letters that will be shown as title
start of details that are shown / hidden when clicking on the triangle