Testing if the detail-formatting still works

a longer time ago I used this html-detail-thing for folding longer parts of postings

[details = detail title]
but it seems no longer to work


There should be just the tittle and a triangle.
If you cklick on the triangle the detail-section becomes unfolded

it does not work:
is this some kind of option in my browser I can change or did the
Arduino-forum-maintenance disable it?


am I doing something wrong in trying to use it?


ah I got it!

no space between the word detail and the equal-sign

Or you could use the "Hide Details" option available from the "gearwheel" icon when editing a message


This text will be hidden

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The button gives you something to edit

This text will be hidden

But if you want, you can just enter the HTML:

I typed this…

… entire thing by hand just now.

IDK why it don't work for you.

[details = "detail title"]
but it seems no longer to work


Works if you remove the spaces before and after the '=', go figure.


Because I know @StefanL38 likes screenshots, and in case it will be of use to other users who aren't familiar with the post composer interface, I'll provide illustrated instructions:

  1. Click the :gear: icon on the post composer toolbar:
  2. A menu will open:
  3. Select "▸ Hide Details" from the menu:

The skeleton markup will be added to your post at the cursor location:

You can then change the title text and contents as needed.

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I personally prefer this approach because, although it is available here on Arduino Forum, BBCode markup is not supported on other platforms (e.g., GitHub, Stack Exchange). I like to have a single standard approach to writing that I can use on any platform that supports Markdown.

I use this template:

  <summary><b><!-- TODO: title here --></b></summary>

<!-- TODO: content here -->


That's a pretty useful template. I know you must have a lot of pre-formatted templates just based on what your responses look like. Please share more of them if you don't mind.

testing the template

lot's of text nothing shown after clicking the triangle ?

I guess this means more html-knowledge must be applied to make it work
self-explaining html-code

<b> <type in titel here:> the letters that will be shown as title </b></summary>

<type in detail-content here> start of details that are shown / hidden when clicking on the triangle
the letters that will be shown as title

start of details that are shown / hidden when clicking on the triangle

It is only a template. You must fill your content into the template.

I added HTML comment tags to document where you must fill in the content.