We have threads that show how to use the forum and we know what to look for but NOT ANY MORE.
We Used To Be Able To Scan Sections Quickly To Find What We Want but NOT ANY MORE.
Is it the goal of Arduino that new people will find it harder to get help? This "style" just drives me away.
Please take the pinhead(s) that dreamed the format changes up and find for them something else to do like decorate toilets.

Like this?

We Used To Be Able To Scan Sections Quickly To Find What We Want but NOT ANY MORE.

And that's not the half of it. Apparently you and anybody else I tried to search for "Do Not Exist" :slight_smile:

Edit - and yes I did try search by user - Zilch



We Used To Be Able To Scan Sections Quickly To Find What We Want but NOT ANY MORE.

And that's not the half of it. Apparently you and anybody else I tried to search for "Do Not Exist" :slight_smile:

We are all figments of your imagination :sunglasses:

with a zillion incompatible products, 1.5 ide being a pain in the arse, the newer versions of 1.0x breaking working code ,and the main site being difficult to navigate, you are worried about the color theme on the forum?


and the main site being difficult to navigate, you are worried about the color theme on the forum?


? What am I missing here. Who complained about the colour sc/theme? :smiley:

I find the new format very helpful - instead of doing obsolete method of using mouse to select the part of the code I want ( cut and paste ) I can click on Select and get the whole code at once. Very innovative and time saving indeed.
I sure appreciate administrators who keep watchful eye on folks who do not properly quote their code, sure make the "cut and paste" thing of past, finally.

There's something I don't like with the new gui can't put my finger on it...