Text To Speech on Uno R4 wifi (Talkie not supported)

I recently updated from a R3 to an R4 wifi. I was using the Talkie library for a text-to-speech function. Unfortunately, it does not look like support has been added yet; the compiler says

"Arduino: 1.8.18 (Mac OS X), Board: "Arduino UNO R4 WiFi"
WARNING: library Talkie claims to run on avr, megaavr, samd, esp32, stm32, STM32F1 architecture(s) and may be incompatible with your current board which runs on renesas_uno architecture(s).
//Arduino/libraries/Talkie/src/Talkie.cpp:403:2: error: #error No DAC / PWM output funcion implemented for this CPU / board*

  • #error No DAC / PWM output funcion implemented for this CPU / board"*

I have not been able to find another library, nor find a way around this. Does anyone know how to get text to speech working with an Uno R4 wifi?

The Talkie library code is not particularly complex, and the audio signal generation could be rewritten to use the DAC available on the Uno R4 Wifi.

For the Uno R3, Talkie uses a timer and high speed PWM to perform the digital to analog conversion.

Thanks. I guess I’ll have to dig through they Talkie code then. Has anyone else in the community already done this and figured out a solution?