Tinned copper wire without any outer insulation coating.

I am looking for tinned copper wire that is thin and does not have any varnish, PVC, liquid glass or epoxy coating on it.

What would be the name of this product?

I am searching Aliexpress and I cannot find anything that will be a good fit.


I don't use this stuff in Arduino projects as much as in electrical repair work.
If you want to solder thick cables together, one approach is to tin them and than tie them with thin tinned copper wire.

I had to do some electric work in a house where we preferred soldering.

This is what your looking for Pretinned Solid Bus Wire

Thank you! Now I know the keyword to find this.

product.http://www.aliexpress.com/item/20-Meters-Lot-1-80x0-16mm-solar-bus-bar-wire-for-PV-Ribbon-Tabbing-wire-2m/32248156433.html?spm=2114.01010208.3.2.j4duUC&ws_ab_test=searchweb201556_0,searchweb201602_2_10037_10017_10021_507_10022_10032_10009_10020_10008_10018_10019_101,searchweb201603_9&btsid=5b76f631-9efb-42ed-bdc0-1295e37cc4f3 Is this still the same thing?

Your link seems to have gotten mangled. I think this is the corrected link.

No, the two do not appear to be identical. Bo80be's link is to a 24 gauge single strand wire (from RadioShack!), and your's is a ribbon 1.8mm wide.

Tinned copper wire is not insulated - thats enamelled copper wire (a.k.a. magnet wire).

You can get at most any electronic parts supply house it's pre tineed copper bus wire use to fix pcb or that's what I do with it and some times I run into a pin broke off a ic it's good to put one back on.

Lots to choose from here:-

Sneaky trick is to get some off-cuts of telephone cable (the stuff they put in the street or wire in your house), take a conductor and split the insulation from it.

Not sure what the regulations say (in your region?) about soldering house wiring.