I have a String that I want to convert to a char Array.
The following code WORKS FINE
char buff[100] = "";
strcpy(buff, "MyString5522");
However THE FOLLOWING gives me a weird block as the beginning character.
char buff[100];
String myString = "MyString5522";
myString.toCharArray(buff, myString.length()+1);
How can I fix this?
How and where are you seeing this weird character ? Please post a small but complete sketch that illustrates your problem
char buff[100] = "";
String B1SN = "MySerialTest4455";
String B2SN = "";
volatile int pos;
volatile bool active;
void setup()
pinMode(MISO, OUTPUT);
SPCR |= bit(SPE);
SPCR |= bit(SPIE);
// SPI interrupt routine
ISR (SPI_STC_vect)
byte c = SPDR;
if (c == 1) // starting new sequence?
B1SN.toCharArray(buff, B1SN.length()+1);
active = true;
pos = 0;
SPDR = buff [pos++]; // send first byte
if (c == 2) // starting new sequence?
strcpy(buff, "ENERGIZER");
active = true;
pos = 0;
SPDR = buff [pos++]; // send first byte
if (!active)
SPDR = 0;
SPDR = buff [pos];
if (buff [pos] == 0 || ++pos >= sizeof (buff))
active = false;
strcpy(buff, "");
void loop()
This is a slave code for a SPI project
The obvious question is why are you using a String in the first place ?
I suspect that the problem is not in the toCharArray() function but elsewhere in your code
void setup()
char buff[100];
String myString = "A";
myString.toCharArray(buff, myString.length() + 1);
void loop()
Would it be better to just store everything initially as a char array?
Does this help with memory for my Arduino?
Ok I just converted to the char array but still the same problem, if I use strcpy(buff, SN) in the setup, everything works fine but as soon as the strcpy is in the interrupt it gives me this weird block.
I will send a quick screenshot
char buff[100] = "";
char B1SN[100] = "MySerialTest5524558Red";
volatile int pos;
volatile bool active;
void setup()
pinMode(MISO, OUTPUT);
SPCR |= bit(SPE);
SPCR |= bit(SPIE);
// SPI interrupt routine
ISR (SPI_STC_vect)
byte c = SPDR;
if (c == 1) // starting new sequence?
strcpy(buff, B1SN);
active = true;
pos = 0;
SPDR = buff [pos++]; // send first byte
if (!active)
SPDR = 0;
SPDR = buff [pos];
if (buff [pos] == 0 || ++pos >= sizeof (buff))
active = false;
strcpy(buff, "");
void loop()
This gives This...
However if i place the strcpy in the setup it does what I expect, but I can't use that method as I need to update the buffer with different info
char buff[100] = "";
char B1SN[100] = "MySerialTest5524558Red";
volatile int pos;
volatile bool active;
void setup()
pinMode(MISO, OUTPUT);
SPCR |= bit(SPE);
SPCR |= bit(SPIE);
strcpy(buff, B1SN);
// SPI interrupt routine
ISR (SPI_STC_vect)
byte c = SPDR;
if (c == 1) // starting new sequence?
active = true;
pos = 0;
SPDR = buff [pos++]; // send first byte
if (!active)
SPDR = 0;
SPDR = buff [pos];
if (buff [pos] == 0 || ++pos >= sizeof (buff))
active = false;
strcpy(buff, "");
void loop()
Bad idea. The second argument to the toCharArray
method is the size of the buffer , not the length of the string .
I found the problem.
On my master i have a delayMicroseconds, increasing this time removes the weird characters and increases the length of sendable data
March 8, 2022, 1:24am
I have not read in details but The indentation in this snippet seems to indicate you wanted to include the second line in the if expression. Are you missing {}?
And to empty a cString you don’t need strcpy() just use buff[0] = '\0';
or *buff = 0;
and the likes.
September 4, 2022, 1:24am
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