touch sensor interference

dear all,

i have build my own led lamp that is completely touch sensitive.

as you can see ive build the lamp completely out of steel and attached my ledstrip, power supply and arduino with double sided tape.

i have my code working but as soon as it goes in to "off mode", it goes straight to the next light program.
so i decided to do some tests, and it turns out that i get a spike in my touch sensor results (which equals the results when touched) when the leds go off. and when my led lights are bright my results go down. even when i put power on my adapter (230V AC > 5V DC) i see increase of touch sensor results

i use this technique: CapSense: Capacitive Switch - YouTube

how do i prevent my results go up and down as my led strip does the different light programs?

Let me think about this. You have built a large antenna and you wonder why it is picking up noise that is interfering with your project. Is this correct?


Let me think about this. You have built a large antenna and you wonder why it is picking up noise that is interfering with your project. Is this correct?


hahah basically, yes. well its not really surprising.

but maybe some one knows a trick... im 100% to electronics

Is it grounded? I mean is the Common portion of the circuit, which we often inaccurately refer to as "ground" connected to the house ground?

You say it is touch sensitive. What method are you using? Capsense used with such a large object is going to get a lot of noise from AC hum and general electronic hash, including from the Arduino itself.

You might average a lot of readings before having the program take action.

Try adjust the sensistvity of your touch antenna, by "shortcircuiting" it, using a bridged resistor.

Start out with 1K ohms, and do some testing.
You may also experiment with a bridging capacitor of 10nF as initial value.

Then take it from there.