Hey guys,
I've got a resistive touch switch working in my project, but I've got a question....
Why doesn't it work as well with a pull up resistor, as with a pull down?
I've been told that the usual method of connecting switches to the Arduino is to use a pull up resistor, and that using a pull down wastes electricity, is less immune to noise, and has more potential for damage if mistakes in the wiring are made:
Because of this, I decided to try reversing the wiring on my resisitve touch switch. But doing so doesn't work!
Here's how I've got it wired up now:
Pin -> Touch Wire 1 -> 12M Resistor -> Gnd
Touch Wire 2 > 5v
Placing my finger across touch wires 1 and 2 completes the connection to +5v, and the led on pin 13 lights up.
If I try the reverse however:
Pin -> Touch Wire 1 -> 12M Resistor -> +5v
Touch Wire 2 > Gnd
The led stays lit, as it should because the pin is being pulled high, but placing my finger across the touch wires does nothing, unless I press really hard, then the led dims very slightly.
It should be noted that for testing here, I am using the button example. I believe that the 10K pullup on pin 2 is therefore not enabled. The code doesn't explicity enable or disable it anyway, and I think pins are low by default, so it should be off when the pin is set to input mode.