Tracking objects indoor

Hello. I'm setting up a plan for a navigation system project. I intend to use this navigation system to use inside and outside a building. In terms of feasibility, what is the most appropriate technology to use in location tracking to be used in my project? IMU based dead reckoning or similar technologies? RF triangulation? or GPS?

What precision do you need?

In general, the only localization technique that is readily available to hobbyists is GPS, which works only outdoors and offers positional precision of about 3 m.

Google "indoor positioning" for various commercial solutions to tracking people and objects in buildings.

I'm looking for a feasible technologies to be used. We all know that GPS is not effective indoors unless it uses some GPS aids like the GNSS but I dont know if this technologies are way effective in indoor positioning. I found various technologies in google and the most popular is the dead reckoning. But I believe that an arduino board like arduino uno or mega can't handle a dead reckoning algorithm. An accuracy of 1m radius is what I need.

Where did you find a reference to accurate dead reckoning indoors? This is not possible with consumer grade accelerometers and rate gyros, as they are too noisy and inaccurate. It has nothing to do with the Arduino. This application note explains why:

Yes. I know that dead reckoning is just non-sense with just dead reckoning. That's why such algorithms like Kalman and Madgwick filters existed. And aside from feasibility, dead reckoning is quite hard.

You can check this one.