Transfer from flash Memory to SD card

So I'm working on a project that involves a somewhat significant degree of acceleration, and wish to log data from several sensors.

I want to first write data to a hardwired flash memory chip, then, once the experiment is complete, transfer that data to a removable SD card.

My concern is that while my little experiments are being conducted, the mechanical connections with the SD card could be severed, rendering corrupted or incomplete data packets.

Is this a feasible thing to do with an UNO R3?

Can You draw a logic block diagram showing data size and how often data are collected?
Did You check the specification for the UNO R3?

If that is a concern, don't use a board with female headers that might come loose or make bad contacts. Use e.g. an Arduino Nano and put it on headers on a proto board; solder everything. Alternative can be a Nano with an terminal adapter like shown below.


If accelerations are so high that the spring connections to the SD card could be affected, then using an Uno seems like a bad decision. With Uno, typically a "shield" PCB is used and these are push-fit, so could also be affected by high accelerations. Alternatively to a shield, individual Dupont wires are often used to connect other circuits (like an SD card reader). These would be even more susceptible to high accelerations.

I would consider some type of Arduino that can be soldered to a PCB or Protoboard/stripboard along with the SD card reader, for secure connections.

The most obvious choice to replace Uno would be the classic Nano. However, both have limited RAM (dynamic memory) and the SD card libraries require a lot of memory. There is a danger of running out of memory if other libraries which use large amounts of dynamic memory will also be used, for example libraries for OLED or TFT displays.

There should be no particular reason you cannot save the data to a flash memory chip, then later transfer to an SD card, if that is what you are asking. It might even be more efficient, if you want the SD data formatted as text, since you can save binary data to the flash memory, then do the text conversion during the transfer.

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