Arduino uno internal memory

Is there a way to save big quantity of data on an arduino uno R3 board?
I have a project that gives me a huge quantity of data from sensors, the board isn't connected to any external device so I was wondering if there was any way to save data on the board.
In the probable case that the board can't, what do you use to save data, I was thinking on a micro-sd writer to attach to the arduino.

A SD card needs a lot of memory, so space could be tight on an UNO,
depending on the other code needed.

SD Card can hold up to 32gb, but may not be fast enough. When you say "huge quantity", how huge is huge?

The Uno itself has a 2Kbytes of the RAM and 1024 bytes EEPROM. That's all.

50k+ lines of values on a .txt file

How fast?

I think a line every 50 milliseconds but I'm not shure

yeah, thats not going to happen. Transfer rate of SD card is around 10kb/second. Your 50k file might take several SECONDS to write, certainly nothing even close to your data rate.
You said 50k every 50mS then you said "a line", which is it please?

Yes sorry, I'm saving files in a .txt file, the result should have 50000 lines, it does a line every 25/50 milliseconds (I don't remember but I think it's 1 line every 25 milliseconds)

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