Trouble building an Arduino based Toroid Coil Winding Machine

Hello all,

I'm trying to build this machine as seen on YouTube and at the creator's website:

I'm having trouble with some unknowns not clear in either the video or the webpage at the link above. For one, the creator provides a "Item Used" list:

  1. [Arduino NANO]
  4. [16X2 I2C LCD DISPLAY]
  6. [MOTOR]
  7. [L293D IC]
    and a "Wiring Diagram"

on the webpage, but in the video starting at the 18:00 mark there shows components on a small PCB that are not in the "Item Used" list or in the "Wiring Diagram"
On another website about circuits where I'm asking about the wiring diagram and missing components, one responder pointed out the need for a Vref as shown here:
and with these instructions:
You set the pot to the voltage on pin15 based on the volt drop across the sense resistors based when max current for the motor is present..
R51 R52 would be ~0.5ohms , not wire wound type.

For starters, I need help to fill in or make a complete wiring diagram showing all necessary components.
The creator shows the PCB can be ordered by a fabricator and who that is, but the fabricator needs Gerber files to make the PCB and the creator doesn't seem to provide this even though he does provide codes for the Arduino and stepper motor (all linked on the webpage). I'd need OrCAD to make my own Gerber files and I don't feel like dropping $1,300 buying software that I'd rarely use.
A final issue is once the hardware is all set up, how exactly are the codes loaded into the hardware?
Building the machine physically is not a problem, neither is setting up the hardware/electronics. It's the missing components mainly and PCB fabrication secondly.
Has anyone built this machine before?

Thanks for any help, input and advice.

Open the video on YouTube and see the manufacturer's link written below the video.

$2/5pcs 2Layer & $5/5pcs 4Layer PCBs:

Can you indicate what these components are in the video?

or here:

I use Kicad (free) to generate my Gerbers.

Sorry there is no direct way of importing Orcad into KiCad however indirectly it can be done. Check this link: How to import OrCAD designs to KiCad - Library Symbols - Forums I have not tried it but it sounds like it would work.

Thank you Ruilvia for your response. Perhaps I should have described in a different way that the video's creator does show where and who to have the PCB fabricated, but thank you for pointing out the link. I had already visited the JLCPCB website and that's how I found out they need Gerber files for fabricate the PCB.
I cannot indicate that the components are in the video. Other than seeing some small capacitors and what I think are two small pots, I have no idea. The video's creator leaves out some critical information. I've tried contacting the creator already, but have not received any response.
Thank you for directing me to KiCAD. I'll look it up.
Still, the essential problem is to know what are all the components on the PCB and incoporating them in the wiring diagram. From solving that, making the machine gets easier.

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