Trouble in board compatibility on Arduino IoT Cloud

Hello everyone! I hope you guys can help me, I used this boars for a while and I have never had a problem, until now...
I have a Espressif ESP32 Wroom 32 board which I used so far along with the DHT22 module, I changed the code and now I can't upload the sketch into my board 'cause it's not connected to internet and I can't upload the sketch via Serial cause even Agent Cloud detects the serial port, it's detecting my board as a LilyGo Display-T which give me a core error when uploading, and when I use the DOIT ESP32 DEVKIT V1 or something like ESP32 DevKit the agent does not recognize it, even that the Arduino IDE 2.0 does and works perfectly fine. Which board should I choose or how do I fix it? I can't even do an over the air upload cause I can't connect my device on the internet. That's frustating. Thank you all.

Hi @ittaloperdigao. Due to an inappropriate configuration in the 3rd party ESP32 boards platform, it is not possible to upload to your board (or any board other than the "LilyGo T-Display" that has the WCH CH9102 USB to serial bridge chip) via the serial port when using Arduino Cloud.

I recommend using Arduino IDE to develop sketches for this particular board.

Note that, although it will be most convenient to use the Arduino Cloud web interface for the initial setup of the Arduino Cloud Thing, after that you can use Arduino IDE for all further development and serial port uploading of the sketch. You will see newly created Thing sketches under the "Cloud Sketchbook" tab of the IDE's "SKETCHBOOK" panel after you click the "Sync" icon at the bottom right corner of the panel.

Arduino IDE has Arduino Cloud integration, which provides convenient access to the sketches from your Arduino Cloud account.

I'll provide instructions you can follow to set up Arduino IDE and upload your sketch:

  1. Install Arduino IDE by following the instructions here.
  2. Start Arduino IDE.
  3. Install the "esp32" boards platform by following the instructions here.
  4. Connect Arduino IDE to your Arduino Cloud account by following the instructions here
  5. You should now see the list of sketches from your Arduino Cloud account in the "SKETCHBOOK" panel of the IDE window. Click on the sketch you would like to upload to your board.
  6. Click the cloud with downward pointing arrow icon ("Pull Sketch") that appears to the right of the sketch name.
    A "Synchronizing sketchbook, pulling ..." process will start.
  7. Wait for the synchronization process to finish, as indicated by the appearance of a notification at the bottom right corner of the IDE window:

    Done pulling ...

  8. Double click on the sketch name in the "SKETCHBOOK" panel.
    The sketch will open in a new Arduino IDE window.
  9. Select the appropriate board from the IDE's Tools > Board > esp32 menu.
  10. Select the appropriate port from the IDE's Tools > Port menu.
  11. Select Sketch > Upload from the Arduino IDE menus.

The sketch should now upload successfully to the board.

It is possible to use Arduino Cloud Editor to make Arduino Cloud IoT OTA uploads to the board. This will only be possible after you have uploaded a functional Thing sketch to the board via the USB port (the Thing sketch program contains the code that connects the board to the Arduino Cloud servers and causes it to be recognized as an OTA port to which you can upload).

Please let me know if you have any questions or problems while following those instructions.