Trouble with Servo Motor Control Using Arduino

Hello everyone,

I hope you're all doing well. I'm relatively new to the Arduino world and have been working on a project that involves controlling a servo motor. I'm using an Arduino Uno and a standard SG90 servo motor.

Here's the issue I'm facing: When I upload my code to the Arduino, the servo motor doesn't move at all. I've double-checked my wiring and everything seems to be connected correctly. I've also tried using different pins and even a different servo motor, but I still can't get it to work.

Here's a snippet of my code:

#include <Servo.h>

Servo myservo;

void setup() {
  myservo.attach(9);  // attaches the servo on pin 9 to the servo object

void loop() {
  myservo.write(90);  // sets the servo position to 90 degrees
  delay(1000);        // waits for a second
  myservo.write(0);   // sets the servo position to 0 degrees
  delay(1000);        // waits for a second

I've tried running the code with other sketches as well, but the motor still doesn't respond. Am I missing something crucial here? Is there a special way to power the servo motor that I'm not aware of?

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated.

Idioms Thanks in advance for your assistance!

Welcome to the forum

That looks like a complete sketch

Have you get anything else connected to the Arduino ?

So show everyone here how you connected everything.
Include complete code,

Don't power the servo from the Arduino +5V pin. You really should use a separate power supply and tie the servo and Arduino grounds together.