Turning LED's off

This is the basic and I mean basic sketch that I am using. I've built a light with an LDR in it so I can put it on my patio and trying to make it a automatic on in dark, off in light..... nothing new here.

Here's the part of the sketch I'm using and for some reason I cannot get this to turn off.... not really sure why. I think I'm missing something simple here but it eludes me :slight_smile:

void loop(){
  ldr = analogRead(LDR); 
  ldrValue = map(ldr, 0, 40, 15, 0);
  // For testing so you can set your above ldrValue map function
   Serial.print("\t ldr :");
   //Serial.print("ldrValue :");
   //Serial.print(ldrValue ); 

if (ldr > 20){
  Fire2012(); // run simulation frame
  FastLED.show(); // display this frame
  FastLED.delay(100 / FRAMES_PER_SECOND);
}  else {
  delay(10);  //repeat every 0.1 second

That should be very straight forward and turn it off when LDR value drops..... however it's not. It stays on... suggestion? Thanks all!

No ".show" in the clear section.

Uhhhhhh I KNEW I should have done that and didn't.... still learning. LOL Thank you, fixed!

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