Ultra lightweight ssh

I am looking for a very lightweight hardware that can run ssh.
Preferably not an raspberry pi. So I was wondering if it is possible
to run this on an arduino. Is it possible, which arduino , and how ?

So I want to run ssh and not a full operating system with bloatware,
why ? I think it would be cool and interesting.

I guess an ssh is a "solid state something". What does ssh mean to you?


I guess an ssh is a "solid state something". What does ssh mean to you?


Thank you for your response Paul, I meant the following ;

So I would like to be able to have a minimal set up for ssh and I am wondering if this is possible somehow with an arduino. I think it is to resource intensive but I have absolutely no idea what is possible with arduino.

Describe how you plan to use this minimal SSH.

For example, will it be used as a terminal program, with a keyboard and display? If so, will the Arduino run the display and the keyboard?

You want something that you can "ssh" into?

Look at the ESP8266.

// Per.