Uncertain about UVM-30A sensor

Hi all; well, i'm planning to use this sensor (UVM-30A) but i have a problem.
In the specification of sensor is written that it can outup a voltage signal from 0 to 1 volt but in the graphic is shown that it can produce also an output of 1150 mV for UV index of 11.
How is it possible?

Do you have a link to the datasheet?

It would be ideal do use the internal reference of 1.1Volt - analogReference() - Arduino Reference -

Do you have a link to the datasheet?

It would be ideal do use the internal reference of 1.1Volt - analogReference() - Arduino Reference -

The only datasheet thai I found is this but it is in chinese: http://mysensors.org/uv/UVM30A.pdf

I have Arduino UNO, so the AnalogReference can't work...?, right?

thank you.


Do you have a link to the datasheet?

It would be ideal do use the internal reference of 1.1Volt - analogReference() - Arduino Reference -

I have Arduino UNO, so the AnalogReference can't work...?, right?


From the link of analogReference I gave

"INTERNAL: an built-in reference, equal to 1.1 volts on the ATmega168 or ATmega328 and 2.56 volts on the ATmega8 (not available on the Arduino Mega)"

The UNO is a 328.